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Billy Knowles "Dr. Emmons"

Posted: 30 Jul 2012 5:47 am
by Kenny Martin
Well, guys i played a show friday night and my Emmons took a major fall off a hand truck.

Landed on the latches and mashed them almost flat.
Got up saturday morning opened the case and it was bad. The divider in the case was busted a lose inside the case.

Lever rod jumped out and everything was kinda twisted around. I got my tools out and started messing with it.
My wife walked up and said, "do you know what ya doing" i said nope! She said "take it to your friend Billy before you screw it up"! :lol: :whoa: :(

Called Billy and he said ride on up!
Guys, i'm telling Billy Knowles is "Dr. Emmons"!! :whoa: :D

With his Cheif of staff Evan Rose the surgeon went to work! All i could do was watch while it was in critical condition!

Well it came through surgery just fine and is better than it was! Its amazing to watch Billy do such an awesome job on a steel guitar!
I furnished the back ground music playin his Rosewood Emmons PP which kept the Red Emmons calm through surgery!

Billy/Evan, thx so much for what you guys did to make my Emmons better than new!!

Guys, if you need anything done on an Emmons or really any steel "Dr. Emmons" Billy Knowles is the man!

All the best Billy!!!!.....kenny


Posted: 30 Jul 2012 6:07 am
by Billy Knowles
thank you for fixing my rack while you were here.
You did a great job.

Posted: 30 Jul 2012 8:48 am
by Jerome Hawkes
yes, we are truly blessed to have someone like Billy a short drive away. problem is he does such good work i dont have to go see him more than once a year! i'll have to find some "issues" and go up there for a visit.
i'm afraid to go - he's probably got a sweet old PP up there that i will play and get the dang bug again.

Posted: 30 Jul 2012 9:12 am
by Kevin Hatton
You took it to the right man.

Dr. Billy to the Rescue

Posted: 17 Aug 2012 4:38 pm
by Bill Erchul
I was re-stringing my '02 LeGrande II this Wed. and noticed that the 5th string mini-Grover tuner was broken, either through my over-tightening it or recent shipment by commercial carrier back from a gig (more likely). I emailed Billy for a replacement tuner and less than 48 hours later it arrived and I installed it this afternoon. My experience with Billy and Steel Guitar East is that this type of service is typical rather than exceptional. You can count on the Doctor to bail you out when you need it the most.


Posted: 21 Aug 2012 6:04 pm
by David Dixon
I have 2 Emmons (1 Legrande II, 1 Push Pull) that Billy recondidtioned from the ground up. They are the best steel guitar that I have ever had the pleasure to play. He is a real genius when it comes to working on wny Emmons products, and maybe others as well. He is a fantastic guy to boot.

Posted: 18 Jul 2013 4:18 pm
by Sid Hudson
Visited Billy Knowles today at his shop in Kenansville North Carolina.

I had Billy add numerous compensators to my Emmons Legrande.

Billy is an Ace at working on many different brands of guitars and a great guy to go along with it.

Anyone looking for a beautiful black Emmons Legrande, Billy has one that looks almost like brand new.


Posted: 18 Jul 2013 5:42 pm
by Billy Knowles
Thank you for the kind words, enjoyed seeing you and Jim today.

Posted: 18 Jul 2013 6:30 pm
by Cal Sharp

Posted: 18 Jul 2013 7:52 pm
by Larry Gerdeman
Billy is the best I have a PP he rebuilt and it looks better and plays better than a new one. He now has my Legrande II rebuilding it and I know it will be great when he is through with it. Like it has already been stated he is a great guy.

Posted: 18 Jul 2013 8:07 pm
by Evan Rose

Hard to believe it's almost been a year was a pleasure helping Billy get your guitar back going, there's not a guitar out there that Billy can't fix, and there isn't anything I can't make/machine, guess you'll just have to break it again so we can all get together soon LOL!!! And folks Billy works wonder on any brand of guitar, but he is especially talented in doing refurbs on Emmons Push-Pulls and ZB Guitars, got an old one you want re-done, he's the man to call!!!!

Posted: 19 Jul 2013 7:32 am
by Joe Naylor
Just talked to a guy yesterday and was talking about Bill's work on his push-pull and he said he was a Wizard so maybe we can call him the Dr. Billy Wizard, PP

those letters after the name gives him the extra - like PhD, MD etc

I am going to use LHO, more on that later

Joe Naylor :D :D