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Who would go to Maine

Posted: 2 Sep 2005 7:06 am
by Sam White
How many of you guys would go to Mechanic Falls Maine to see a Steel Guitar Show??I think Merle Record and his Record Family band should get a Steel Guitar Show going in the Maine Area.Merle's Neice DeeDee has a beautiful club called the Silver Spur and I have been there and it is absulutly a great place for a Steel Show. I know there are a lot of Steel player in the State of Maine.How about it Mr. Merle Record and family???I know all the Rhode Island boys will be up to play and to support you.
Sam White

Posted: 5 Sep 2005 3:59 pm
by Steve Frost
I'd certainly try to get there! Image

Posted: 6 Sep 2005 4:33 pm
by Merle Record
Steel show? I don't know Sam, it sounds like a lot of work to put on a good one. But then again, we do have a good facility all secured don't we? DeeDee and I have talked about it. We'll see.