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Author Topic:  TSGA meeting location
Albert Talley


Cleburne, Texas, USA
Post  Posted 20 May 2012 3:30 pm    
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As of our June meeting, the TSGA will be trying out a new location for monthly meetings (of course, we missed for Easter and Mother's Day). Burt and Beth Usry have been gracious to let us share their store. Health concerns are making it difficult for them and their daughter will be taking over. She is unable to have the store available on Sundays for the meetings. This means we need to find a new location. So, our June 10 meeting will be held at the clubhouse on the grounds of the Buckner Retirement Home at 4800 Samuell Blvd, Dallas, TX at 1:30pm.
Hope you can join us if you are in the area. Please pass along the information. For more information, call 817-307-6874. A map is attached. Hope to see you there.

Albert and Debbie Talley
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