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Mac McKenzie


Auckland, New Zealand * R.I.P.
Post  Posted 11 Apr 2012 12:34 am    
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April 11th., down under means Jerry left us seven years ago. Only yesterday, I posted a letter to a friend saying how lucky we were that Jerry, Hiram and Kalani came all this way for a concert, so we were able to greet and meet. And how we were lucky they came to a bar-b-q at Ben Tawhiti's and we were able to get to know them and how I was lucky in that a few weeks later some of our family spent Christmas in Hawaii. Jerry and I had coffee, we spoke of many things, music of course and how we both enjoyed our music in spite of the fact that he was at the top of the ladder and I at the bottom. He said " I have done a lot of travelling. Travel is good, you see a lot of placed, meet a lot of people, make a lot of friends and have many, many memories and these are yours forever. No one can take them from you, not even the tax man." I consider myself very lucky, being so far away from it all that I have this much in my memory card. Thanks Jerry.
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Ron Whitfield


Kaaawa, Hawaii, USA
Post  Posted 11 Apr 2012 12:44 am    
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And to think, he never called his car a non-pedal car. Yep, Jerry had his schtick together.
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