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Mickey, Can You Fix this? 2 Finished!!..WOW

Posted: 5 Apr 2012 10:49 am
by Mickey Adams
Ahhh...Craigslist...home of great deals and honest people...The owner wanted 3500 for this guitar...Said it was in fine shape...I offered him 2000 judging from the single picture he posted...and then only after it passed inspection..WARNING THE FOLLOWING PICTURES CONTAIN GRAPHIC IMAGES THAT MAY BE DISTURBING, AND CAUSE NIGHTMARES>... :lol: :lol:
BTW:...this guitar is under massive reconstruction and will be TAPPED, POLISHED, NEW LEGS, NEW CHANGER FINGERS...And will be up for sale in a few weeks...Stay Posted...IVE GOT 3 MORE COMING DOWN THE LINE RIGHT NOW!!

And Paul Foster, Hal Higgins:...heres a few of your Red/Black Pre RP...Shes getting new mica, and tapped changers, all new rods, pickups..etc...shes gonna be a looker when shes done!


Posted: 5 Apr 2012 11:10 am
by Dale Rottacker
Oh Mickey...I'm sure it will be in "fine shape" when you're done, but in what world dose anyone think it's in "fine shape" now...there's a guy in need of an eye exam... :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: 5 Apr 2012 12:43 pm
by Jim Eaton
I'll bet it's kind of hard working on that guitar with the big bulky HAZ-MAT suit on!!!! :)


Posted: 5 Apr 2012 1:42 pm
by Mickey Adams
LMAO!!!...I just bought a rubber suit just for this guitar...What a mess...and already spoken for...can you believe it???... :whoa: :whoa:

What a mess!

Posted: 5 Apr 2012 2:12 pm
by Glenn Uhler
Looks like they put new drywall in the whole house while the guitar was set up!

Posted: 5 Apr 2012 2:16 pm
by Gary Shepherd
Meh, Mickey can probably play it like it is. Well, maybe add a few strings.

Posted: 5 Apr 2012 5:02 pm
by Mike Schwartzman
Yikes...If we were holding a "Nastiest Steel" contest...that one would be a top ten contender.

And lo and behold there's a sweet Mullen underneath that crud. I don't know if I've ever seen a changer and the area around it in that kind of shape. What did it smell like, Mickey? :lol:

Posted: 5 Apr 2012 6:26 pm
by Ron Pruter
Hey Mickey,
What's a tapped changer. That's a new one on me.
Also, where do you get your new legs? I need some for my Shobud rebuild. Thanks, Ron

Posted: 5 Apr 2012 9:09 pm
by Henry Matthews
I think that one was used for a trot line weight but I guarantee it will be in top shape when Mickey gets finished with her.

Posted: 5 Apr 2012 9:25 pm
by Mickey Adams
Mike Schwartzman wrote:Yikes...If we were holding a "Nastiest Steel" contest...that one would be a top ten contender.

And lo and behold there's a sweet Mullen underneath that crud. I don't know if I've ever seen a changer and the area around it in that kind of shape. What did it smell like, Mickey? :lol:
Uh no it did not smell like me...!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Ron, a tapped changer...Tapped for SPLITS!!!...

Posted: 5 Apr 2012 11:03 pm
by John Swindle
I really like the look of two-tone guitars. Congrats!
Micky, if you wouldn't mind adjusting my ignorance, can you describe the benefits of having double pickups?

Posted: 6 Apr 2012 1:55 am
by Lane Gray
I'd assume the same reason Pauls, Teles, and just about every electric except the Esquire and the Fender/Sanrio Hello Kitty Strat have more than one

Posted: 6 Apr 2012 6:08 am
by Gary Patterson
Mickey, I'd like to know more about "tapped" changers. I think I know that a split is accomplished by raising and lowering the same string with simultaneous pulls on the changer. I thought this was a natural feature of a scissor-type all pull changer.

So, does "tapped" refer to cutting threads in a hole somewhere? How is this implemented?

Thanks, and good luck with your project.

Posted: 6 Apr 2012 6:31 am
by Lane Gray
Gary, the split is also accomplished (look on the Show us your Zum thread for pics, some Mullen probably also do it) by putting cap screws in the block or bar above the deck that sits between the changer and the end of the guitar. The nylon nut tunes the split (the 6th string G, for instance) and the cap screw stops the final lower. I think I'll have a pic of them on my Zum, but uploading will wait til I'm done driving for the day.

EDIT: No need. Here's a bunch on a Mullen in the Sale forum


You see all those screws in that square bar just past the pillow blocks? Not sure why they're on almost every string: Bruce taps every hole but only puts a screw in where needed

Posted: 6 Apr 2012 12:31 pm
by Henry Matthews
Mickey, serious question, how could a guitar or any musical instrument get in that kind of shape. I've seen some dirty guitars in my life but nothing to the likes of this one. Looks like in may have sat in a wood working shop uncovered for about 20 years.


Posted: 7 Apr 2012 6:41 am
by Mickey Adams
Well Henry...LOL...this one takes the "CAKED" with crap award for now...But soon...someone will present another classic case of child abuse to me im sure...Whats really astonishing is the way it looks now..Im willing to bet that when its all said and done, its a REALLY great guitar, and it will live the rest of its life without the need for physical therapy!


Posted: 7 Apr 2012 8:23 am
by Ray Anderson
By the looks of it that guitar, it probably was stored in a confiscated substance storeroom. Upon closer observation, it would appear that there were 2 casualties( by the looks of that photo that was posted). Yep looks like a total wipe out to me. :whoa: Took a trip and never left the shop. :lol: :lol: Humans have more fun than most people. ;-)

Posted: 7 Apr 2012 10:09 am
by Mickey Adams
Black D10 progress....She's going to be for sale soon!!!!
And you guys remember the video of the guy cleaning his steel with a pressure washer...???
I seriously considered post a video of me throwing this thing out of my boat as an anchor...that would have gotten a few laughs huh?,,and it would have been cleaner when I reeled it in
Image >:-) :P :\ :P :P

Posted: 15 Apr 2012 6:08 pm
by Mickey Adams
And another absolutely KILLER S12 goes out the door!!!.....Congrats Mike!...
This guitar was sent from Nashville a few days ago..I picked it up at 3AM this morning and by 5 this afternoon she was totally refurbed and in the hands of her new owner. I took it to Stagecoach Ballroom ( The first house band was the Teradactyls!) and played the first two sets with her, and the new owner Mike Blackwood came to hear it and pick it up...I was seriously thinking about duckin out the back door with it...SOUNDS FABULOUS!!!!!!


Posted: 15 Apr 2012 8:13 pm
by steve takacs
Wow,how much did this cost to refurbish? Great looking job. stevet

Posted: 15 Apr 2012 9:35 pm
by Mickey Adams
it cost me a day...I had all the parts..didn't even consider the output...An 80 year old gentleman has a new steel today...And he doesn't have to wrangle with any mechanical issues...Heck the Mullen will probably be perfectly tuned when he takes it out of the case tomorrow. Thats all that matters to me... :)


Posted: 18 Apr 2012 3:45 am
by Martin Weenick
Mickey you have a private E-Mail. Martin Weenick.

Posted: 18 Apr 2012 5:59 am
by Danny Naccarato
Holy cow Mick, be careful. By the time you get thru all that muck, you're likely to find Jimmy Hoffa !!

btw, I remember Lindsey's axe. He'll be thrilled to see it again.


Posted: 18 Apr 2012 10:54 am
by Mickey Adams
If I do find Jimmy...the tabloids will be on me in no time!!!!
I went over to check on Jim just a few days ago Danny, he was packing up his house getting ready to move. I showed him pictures of the guitar. He said he was very happy to see that I had it..I'm going to keep it for a while I'm sure...after that I may put it up for sale...for 3500.00 minimum..she just sounded incredibly good, and she'll be perfect!

Try Again

Posted: 21 Apr 2012 6:24 am
by steve takacs
Mickey, please let me phrase it more precisely: How much would it cost, in dollars, for the work that was done, also assuming you did not have the parts. Just trying to get an idea of monetary costs for such a job? Thanks, stevet