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Author Topic:  Tuning pans for Fender Stringmaster steels
Joel Cangiolosi

Louisiana, USA
Post  Posted 11 Apr 2012 1:01 pm    
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I'm working with a machinest on making some tuning pans that are replicas of the old Stringmaster ones. And I'm needin some feedback from you guys to see if it's worth me investing in the project. So far we are discussing making them out of billet aluminum and making them blanks so you can drill the holes for the tuning keys yourself. What do you guys think? Or I can take measurements and have the exact holes drilled. Also,
we may do some engraving on them, if desired. And I'm trying to keep the prices between $100-$150 depending on how many the customer would
order. Please send me your input and let me know if you guys would be interested. Fender is not making them anymore, and I sure would like to make this idea a reality. Thanks and keep on Steelin'!!!!!!!
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