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Probably a dumb question

Posted: 9 Mar 2012 9:45 am
by Lonnie Brown
Is it a major undertaking to change the 1st string from 1/2 step to whole step on the LKR

Posted: 9 Mar 2012 9:55 am
by Richard Sinkler
Shouldn't be. If you can't get the tuning nut (or whatever tunes your pedals) to raise to G#, then lengthen the amount of travel on the knee lever until it does.

EDIT: Edited to add that if you have a multiple raise (like a double or triple raise) changer, and bell cranks with multiple holes (you never said what brand and model guitar you have) you may be able to change the leverages to achieve the whole tone raise without increasing the knee lever throw.


Posted: 9 Mar 2012 6:37 pm
by Tracy Sheehan
Lonnie,not a dumb question. The trick is you have to be smarter than the guitar.

Only joking.

Posted: 9 Mar 2012 11:12 pm
by Lonnie Brown
Richard, I have Sho-Bud LDG... Tracy, I never did think I was smart, if I was I would have tried to play the harmomica....LOL...

Posted: 10 Mar 2012 1:30 am
by Mike Perlowin
It can be done, but in my opinion it's a bad idea.

Raising the 1st string a whole step gives you a lick. Admittedly it's a nice one, but it's one that can more or less be approximated by using the C pedal and moving the bar up 2 frets. Raising the 1st (and 7th) stings a half step increases the harmonic vocabulary of the guitar.

And BTW, I firmly believe that the change belongs on the vertical if you have one. It doesn't matter which of the other changes goes on what knee, but in my opinion, that one should go on the vertical, and the B to Bb that is often found on the vertical, should go on one of the other levers.

Posted: 10 Mar 2012 12:51 pm
by Richard Sinkler
I just removed my 1st string raise to G as I also have a lever that raises 1 to G#. I found I have no trouble only pushing the F# to G# lever halfway, even quickly. I had removed the 7th raise to G sometime ago when I put the split on the 6th string lower knee lever to give me the G on string 6 (although I really did like the F# to G raise). Now, if I had room for another knee lever, I would put the F# to G changes back on. I can also just pull the first string with a finger behind the bar to raise it to G. I put the 5th lower to Bb on the lever instead and if I don't like it a lot, I will put the F# to G's back on the lever.

Posted: 10 Mar 2012 2:22 pm
by Kevin Hatton
No dumb questions here. We can help.

Posted: 10 Mar 2012 2:54 pm
by Dave Grafe
It's only a dumb question if you don't ask it :)

Posted: 12 Mar 2012 7:57 am
by James Morehead
Lonnie, It's a real nice change to have--I have it on my 'buds. Depending on your copedant, you can time the pulls with a couple of your other strings to get a "feel stop" at G, so first string gives you your G raise AND your G# note. I also use the 2nd string D# to E on the same lever. You can also easily install a mechanical "half-stop", too. Email me, I will share my copedant and help you, if you like.

Posted: 12 Mar 2012 8:48 am
by Ransom Beers
:eek: I have my 1st string raise F# to G# on RKR & like Mr.Sinkler I had the 7th raise F# to G on that lever also but tuned the nut down so it doesn't engage.Might re do it in the future,I like the effect of the 7th sound it produces.