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I guess introductions are maybe in order...

Posted: 17 Feb 2012 8:31 am
by Ken Tizzard
Hey there folks,

Ken Tizzard here. I've been lurking this board for a few years and thought it time I said "hi." A few years back I started playing pedal steel and it has taken over a large chunk of my life. I just finished my first all pedal steel record (well bass and drums, but no other guitars) and have been getting interesting feedback from different sources.

Don't get excited, it is not at all traditional steel playing. I am a songwriter first and just happen to be using the instrument in a way that works for me. It blends country, rock and folk music in a very unusual way.
...I live in Canada
...I am from Newfoundland
...I have spent considerable time touring around the world playing bass for two rock bands
...interested in meeting other steel enthusiasts...

Here is a link to a video cut together from the recent recording session. This is perhaps the heaviest song on the record, there are many other more country and close to traditional steel songs as well... but for now I'd love your feedback

Ken Tizzard With Bad Intent
"The Goodness Of Bad Intent - vol.1"
Available now as a free download at
The four-song teaser EP (recorded by John Whynot at The Woodshed studio)
Crossing folk, country and rock into a truly unique experience.

For more information visit:
to follow Ken Tizzard’s daily blog:
Follow Ken Tizzard with Bad Intent on Tumblr

Posted: 17 Feb 2012 1:32 pm
by Don Hinkle
Quick background -
I'm 48 - been playing rock and country lead guitar for 30 years (covered everyone from Jerry Reed to Randy Rhoads) only been playing pedal steel for couple years and am interested in only country pedal steel for my own self.
Ok, that out of the way - it sounded good. It almost had a minor (looking for a word) sounding... it reminded me of a updated sounding band from the 80's "The Cure" - that isnt meant as an insult. It was a good flowing song however I would have felt the same way if the guitar was a 6 string tele playing the song.

BTW - I loved the Minor Threat shirt.
My band played a show with those guys (Think singers name was "Ian" back in the mid 80's).


Posted: 17 Feb 2012 2:40 pm
by Jerry Overstreet
Welcome Ken. I enjoyed listening to your clips. I'm always encouraged by pedal steel outside the conventional box. Just like to hear more screaming steel guitar solos. Thanks for sharing and much success.

Posted: 17 Feb 2012 3:23 pm
by Jay Fagerlie
I'll tell you Ken, I got all exited it was not traditional pedal steel.
I thoroughly enjoyed it, I am downloading the EP right now and am looking forward to the next release.
Thanks for being outside the box!
P.S. I do love traditional pedal steel, but c'mon, this is a much needed breath of fresh where is that Curly CD.....

nice to be a part of things...

Posted: 17 Feb 2012 3:27 pm
by Ken Tizzard
Don, Jay and Jerry

Thanks for taking the time to introduce yourself and also to have a listen to the tunes. Nice to see some acceptance for being outside the box. As I said , I am mostly a songwriter, the PS has become my method of delivery, and I love it. I was also contacted, through another site, after posting here and was welcomed once more by another member of the forum. Thanks again for taking the time to say hi.


ps - opened for Minor Threat, very lucky...

Posted: 17 Feb 2012 6:23 pm
by Bent Romnes
Welcome to the forum Ken! I'll give all your songs a listen as I have time. I listened to the one you posted. It was different for sure. Thanks for taking the steel into a new genre...we need that!

Posted: 17 Feb 2012 7:02 pm
by Frank Montmarquet
Nice. What's your tuning?

Posted: 18 Feb 2012 6:16 am
by Rick Abbott
:!: :!: I am completely smitten by this video. I really like the direction you are going. In fact the time it's taking me to type this is slowing me down from getting to my steel. Really, what is your tuning? I'm off to play now...thanks for sharing. :!: :!:

Posted: 19 Feb 2012 3:41 pm
by Brian McGaughey
Cool tune, Ken!

tuning question

Posted: 20 Feb 2012 11:56 am
by Ken Tizzard
I guess tuning is pretty much standard. Due to the ammount of "strumming" I do, as the sole guitarist in the band, I have changed things a bit.


-here is the difference...the seventh string is detuned to an E and an extra change has been made RKL(r) to drop that string also so that minor chords can be still played without having to think about string seven. Makes my life easy...

thanks for introducing yourselves and commenting on the tune. The new cd will be ready next week for my Alberta trip and I am very excited...

I also tune according all strings slightly tempered in a method shown to me by Al Brisco...


Posted: 20 Feb 2012 6:18 pm
by Frank Montmarquet
A standard U12 with the sacred steel double E


Posted: 20 Feb 2012 6:59 pm
by Ken Tizzard
I guess this is nothing unusual then...thanks for the link Frank

Posted: 9 May 2012 5:48 pm
by Rick Abbott
Hey, I watched your new video and once again was struck by your sound! It reminded me of this conversation about your tuning, so I resurrected the thread.

Actually, sacred steel tuning isnt that common, and how you are using it is really cool! Inspiring to me man, thanks.

The steel is really starting to infiltrate music, in a general way. SEE! It doesn't have to be in just "both kinds of music... Country, and Western!"