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Herb Steiner

Posted: 4 Feb 2012 8:26 pm
by Dave Biller
Wasn't sure if anyone had heard yet but, just in case you haven't, our beloved forum brother Herb Steiner was injured in a car accident last night. I don't know too many details but he did suffer a broken nose and a badly broken right foot that might put him out of gig and possibly fishing commission for several months. I'm sure the man will fill us all in on the rest when he feels up to it. In the meantime, please keep our pal in your good thoughts.....

Posted: 4 Feb 2012 8:36 pm
by Larry Miller
Hate to hear this. Get well soon Herb!

Posted: 4 Feb 2012 9:00 pm
by chas smith
Oh man, broken foot, bad.....broken nose, who's going to know... I wish you a speedy recovery -- cheers -chas

Posted: 4 Feb 2012 9:30 pm
by Jeff Metz Jr.
I wish you a great recovery as well. Lord knows your instructions have helped me a great deal. God Bless

Posted: 4 Feb 2012 9:36 pm
by Chris Lucker
I am sorry to hear the awful news. Enough about you -- is your 240Z okay?

Herb Steiner

Posted: 4 Feb 2012 9:51 pm
by Rose Sinclair
Visited Herb in the hospital this evening and his nose is broken ("they glued it together"), his foot is broken in several places and all in a cast, but his humor is incredibly intact -- and salty as ever. He indicated that he might be playing non-pedal steel for a while, but was, in fact, negotiating the purchase of an old Emmons from someone in Tennessee, from his hospital bed!

Posted: 4 Feb 2012 10:09 pm
by Mike Neer
Shoot! Sorry to hear this. Get well soon, Herb! Do I see more non-pedal in your immediate future?:lol:

As someone who recently got a nasty injury in a car accident, I can say make sure they check out your neck, too. My damn neck still hurts me 5 months later, after the laceration on my head has already healed.

Posted: 4 Feb 2012 10:17 pm
by Billy Easton
Sorry to hear about your accident....we don't want anything bad to happen to our dear friend. Take care and if there is anything I can do, please call. (Do you need a nurse??) Hope to see you in Dallas in a month or so and happy healing!

Billy and Meriul Easton

Posted: 4 Feb 2012 10:19 pm
by Jim Cohen
Oh, no Herb! So sorry to hear this rotten news. I hope you'll heal quickly and get back on them pedals soon, pal. Thinkin' of you, friend.

Posted: 4 Feb 2012 10:32 pm
by Chuck S. Lettes
Hi Herb,
Hope you heal quickly. Welcome to the Non-pedal Club, and looking forward to seeing you in Dallas.

Posted: 4 Feb 2012 10:53 pm
by Mike Perlowin
Herb, I hope you're not in too much pain and recover quickly.

As bad as this was, let us all be grateful that it wasn't a lot worse. You're still alive, and didn't break your back and lose the use of your legs.

Right now you must be pretty unhappy, but you WILL recover. Just be patient.


Posted: 4 Feb 2012 11:01 pm
by Billy Knowles
So sorry to hear of the accident, Herb is my brother and a fine one at that.
See you in Texas, Herb and I will buy you a plate of brisket.

Posted: 4 Feb 2012 11:49 pm
by Skip Edwards
Herb! So sorry to hear about this... here's to ya & hope you mend quick.

Posted: 4 Feb 2012 11:50 pm
by Mike Cass
Herb, sorry to read about your accident. Hope you heal well and quickly. Call if you need anything.


Posted: 5 Feb 2012 12:07 am
by Walter Stettner
That's terrible news!

Herb, I sincerely hope for a speedy recovery!

Best Regards, Walter

Posted: 5 Feb 2012 1:04 am
by Billy Murdoch
I hope this will not stop You being at the Dallas show in March,I have enjoyed meeting and talking to You on My several visits.
I hope You are a fast healer.
Best wishes for a speedy recovery

Posted: 5 Feb 2012 1:13 am
by CrowBear Schmitt
Oh H...!
this is what i find on a Sunday mornin'
Hope it's not too bad & you get to mend up quick
my prayers & best wishes accompany you Monsieur Herbster

Posted: 5 Feb 2012 1:31 am
by c c johnson
amen to all the above and then some cc

Posted: 5 Feb 2012 4:16 am
by John Coffman
Get well Soon. See you in Dallas

Posted: 5 Feb 2012 5:16 am
by Howard Parker
Oh NO!!

Herb, rest up and have a speedy recovery!


Posted: 5 Feb 2012 5:22 am
by Bill Moore
Herb, sorry to hear about this, hope you feel better soon.


Posted: 5 Feb 2012 5:27 am
by Ron Whitworth
Hello Herb;
Sorry to hear of this terrible accident.
Hope you heal up real soon to good as new.
My best wishes to you.

Posted: 5 Feb 2012 6:07 am
by Bob Blair
Herb, I'm really sorry to hear this. Hope to see you in Dallas - there will be a long line of people ready to help you tote anything that needs toting and I will certainly be among them.

Posted: 5 Feb 2012 6:17 am
by Charles Curtis
Sorry to hear about this Herb. Our prayers are with you.

Posted: 5 Feb 2012 6:21 am
by Paul King
I hate to hear of anyone having a bad accident. When it comes to a fellow steel player it just hurts me even more. Best wishes for a speed recovery Herb. You will be in my thoughts and prayers.