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Author Topic:  Dusty Nall - Dedication Website
Karen Nall

Illinois, USA
Post  Posted 8 Jan 2012 7:18 pm    
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Hello Pedal Steel Players!
I am Karen Nall, daughter of the late Dusty Nall of Joliet, IL who passed away in April 2009.

First, let me thank you all for the wonderful things mentioned aboout my Dad on this forum. I joined the Forum because I am hoping to meet people who knew my Dad. I know he traveled alot in his early years and played and met some wonderful people. I know he treasured everyone he met.

It is my mission to keep his music and legacy alive!
I only wish I would have done this for him while he was still with us.

I created a website dedicated to him at

If anyone knew him, played with him, or have a story to share - I would be most grateful.

Thank you - and "keep on pick'n!"
Karen Nall
Karen Nall, Joliet, Il
Daughter of Pedal Steel player
Dusty Nall of Joliet, Il
He passed away in 2009.
I would love to meet anyone who knew my Dad. Visit his website at
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