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A very unique Furlong / Sarno combo amplifier

Posted: 6 Jan 2012 2:36 pm
by Ray DeVoe
I mentioned in Pat Wilson's thread the other week that I was in the process of putting a plug and play "all in one" TC Furlong combo split together. I have completed the project and it has turned out very well. The components that I installed consist of a Sarno Classic preamp, an original TC Electronics M One effect unit and the new light weight Eminence EPS 15" speaker. The power output is 500 watts and the complete unit weighs in at 46.5 pounds. This package performs !! It's my understanding that this is the only 15" cabinet with two rack spaces that TC has produced as of this time.

My goal was to put a very quick setup package together as most of the jobs I play these days are quick gigs or local jamm sessions. This does the trick and its definately a "keeper". I use a simple pot style pedal and an Emmons SD 10 PP steel with this and it does not get much simpler to set up than that.

Here are a few pictures of what I consider to be the ultimate combo amp.





Posted: 7 Jan 2012 7:54 am
by Pat Wilson
Nice Hope to Hear it someday!!

Posted: 7 Jan 2012 10:11 am
by Nathan Golub
Wow, very nice, bet it sounds great. A Sarno/Furlong combo is one of my dream rigs.

Off topic, I grew up in New Port Richey. Glad to know there's someone playing steel there!

Posted: 8 Jan 2012 6:41 am
by John Lacey
Ray, what would be the retail cost of that unit?

Posted: 8 Jan 2012 9:10 am
by CrowBear Schmitt
definitely looks like a winner :mrgreen:


Posted: 8 Jan 2012 10:43 am
by Ray DeVoe
Thanks for the replies guys.

I used the amp yesterday for the first time at a jamm session and it sounded super once I got all of the levels dialed in right. The Classic preamp is probably the sweetest sounding of all my Brad Sarno equipment which includes both the Tonic and the Revelation. I once asked Brad why that is and he stated that it's probably because it has a pure signal path without all of the bells and whistles that can alter the sound and add noise.

One forumite asked what the cabinet size is. I measured the height at 22" and the width at 26". The depth is pretty much standard at roughly 10.5 inches at the bottom and 9.5 at the top. I needed every bit of available room to fit the components and wiring in, depth wise. I had to use 90 degree angle power cords for the preamp and effects unit.

John asked what the cost of this total combination would be and I honestly can not answer that. I already owned the Classic preamp and the M one effects unit is an older unit that I bought from a forumite.

I dont think that TC is building anymore combo cabinets at this time. Im not even sure he offers a 15" split anymore. The cabinet in the picture is one that TC had stored away in his warehouse. I knew TC had this cabinet and I asked to buy it and have a power module built for it.

Probably the only way currently to duplicate this type of setup would be to buy a Classic preamp and M one effects unit and mount them in a rack. You would then need to see if a 15" split is available. If not two 12" splits work very well but you are getting into an investment at this point.

The bottom line is that this amp is nothing more than a 15" split with 2 rack spaces for components. This works for me as I wanted an all in one package.

Ray DeVoe

Great Amps!

Posted: 10 Jan 2012 6:55 pm
by Randy Gilliam
Ray I also have a TC Split12 and a Sarno Tube Preamp in One Cabinet, Hard to beat the Light Weight,Power and Sound! Enjoy that amp. Randy Gilliam. :D

HI Randy

Posted: 11 Jan 2012 8:01 am
by Ray DeVoe
Hi Randy

Good to hear from you.

Is your 12" SPLIT / TONIC combo amp like the center amp in the picture below ? I beleive that TC changed the dimensions on the STC 12" combo after building this one ?


I knew both Brad and TC during their production upstart. When they first started producing the compatible combo products, I ended up ordering a 15" Tonic / Split combo. I then decided on down the road a little ways to order the 12" Tonic Split combo as I wanted to try out the 12" version. Both of these amps were used reasonably heavy for weekend playing gigs while I still lived in the Nashville area. Both have performed flawlessly. If I wanted to run the two together, I also have a Revelation Rack with TC Electronics M one that I would use for the "stereo" or dual output preamp and then I used just the powered speaker section of these amps. It makes for a great well rounded sound and has the advantage of a rack effect unit verse's pedals. It was only recently that I wanted to put this last combo together which featured the Classic preamp and on board effects rack. All of these amps are great but the Classic / M One / 15" split combo covers it all.

The 12" Tonic / Split weighs in at 33.5 pounds with an Eminence speaker. The 15" Tonic / Split weighs in at 37 pounds with the new Eminence EPS 15" speaker and as stated above the new Classic / Split combo weighs in at 46.5 pounds with the Eminence EPS 15".

The Furlong Split / Sarno combo amps are pretty rare to come by. I know that Brad only produced 50 Tonic Preamps before switching over to the Classic model. Most of these preamps were used as stand alone units and TC only built a small quanity of combo cabinets to house the combined products in.

Anyway, that's my selection of amps. Add two Fender Vibrosonics to it and you have the complete group. I will probably be selling one of the Vibrosonics now that I have acquired the new combo.

Hang on to your amp, Randy. It would be hard to replace.

Ray D.

Posted: 12 Jan 2012 7:18 am
by Brad Sarno
Now THAT's a collection you got there Ray. I'm jealous...



Posted: 12 Jan 2012 4:05 pm
by Randy Gilliam
Hi Ray mine Looks Like The one on The Right Cb 12 And Its Brown I Love It. Randy G.

Hey Brad

Posted: 14 Jan 2012 8:34 am
by Ray DeVoe
Hey Brad

You can always build one more Classic for yourself and with the the wood working skills that you are demonstrating in your "steel without pedals" thread, you certainly can duplicate that cabinet :)

The Classic preamp is about as good as it gets without going into a vintage Fender 100% tube amp.

I had one of my Fender Vibrosonics out today and compared the new combo amp with it. The Vibrosonic will always have that "all tube" sound, as well as true spring reverb but at 75 + pounds, it does not go out the door much. The new combo amp with the Classic preamp did a terrific job and held its own.:) It has it's own sweet sound.

You and TC have turned out some great products:)


Cabinet building

Posted: 18 Jan 2012 7:41 am
by Quincy Damphousse
Hi Ray . Who Built the cabinet, and does TC Furlong offer these combo setups for any customers.I like the Tolex Job

Posted: 18 Jan 2012 4:22 pm
by Ray DeVoe
HI Quincy

These cabinet are really nice. Thats why I bought both a 12" and a 15" Split / Tonic combo amp when TC first came out with them.

I beleive that TC only offered this style "special order" cabinet for a short time and then he switched to a new cabinet maker which produces the cabinet he now uses.

I replied to your P.M. with more detail.

Thanks for writing.
Ray DeVoe

Sarno/Furlong Combo

Posted: 21 Jan 2012 2:30 pm
by Sam Rothwell
I just received a reply from TC today regarding combos. He is no longer offering combo cabinets. Only Splits in 12" open and 12" closed. He said that those two cabinet designs stand apart from the others including the combos.