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Author Topic:  National thumb picks- tortoise shell
Steve Ahola

Concord, California
Post  Posted 6 Jan 2012 2:25 am    
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Just a heads up so that everybody knows that National makes tortoise shell thumb picks as well as the white ones we are all familiar with:

I prefer the tortoise shell picks because it seems to be a softer, less brittle plastic (all of my white thumb picks eventually crack.)

I will trim either pick with diagonal cutters, smoothing the cut surface with sandpaper or emery boards. If I don't cut them they will sometimes scoop up the string. (If I cut them too much then they dig into my cuticles.)

Steve Ahola

P.S. I got a bag of a dozen from Musicians Friend- it's a great item to add to an order if you need to reach a minimum for free shipping.

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