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Author Topic:  10th Australian Steel Guitar Festival
Tony Davis

Brisbane, QLD, Australia
Post  Posted 10 Mar 2005 4:01 am    
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This Festival was held in February...I think on the 19th..a Sunday...unfortunately I have been busier than a one armed paper hanger....and a few other issues too....but I thought I should really get round to mentioning it.
There was a Seminar on the Sat afternoon with Winnie Winston and a get together and Jam on Sat night....unfortunately I could not attend...but from all accounts both were pretty good.
The Festival kicked off a little after 10 am with the backing band.."The Smoking Crawdads" excelent band...very sympathetic to all the players....and having a ton of fun when some of the steel players were pulling their legs...they bounced right back with some good answers!!!!!
First steel player on the stage was a young man by the name of Mark Moleneaux...hope I spelt that right!
Mark hails from near Tamworth..where he teaches Music and also is a session musician.
Mark delighted everyone with his talents on steel,dobro,singing and guitar, and also bluegrass Banjo....a very talented young man!
I am trying to do this from memory so I hope no one gets upset if I miss them out or get it in the wrong order!
I think next was Ivan Posa from New Zealand with his Buddy Max doing all the singing.....Ivan did a great job backing Max who has a wonderful voice.......and Max did a great Job at rubbishing the boys in the band !!!.....Ivan plays a double 10 Emmons and did a very tasteful job....I spent quite a time with him and found him to be "Not too bad for a Kiwi!!!"
There was a gentleman after that whose name escapes me playing a single Ten Emmons along with Tapes who did a great job.
I think after that came Samson James playing regular Guitar and accompanied by my friend the one and only Kenny Kitchen............Kenny has for many many years been the Idol of all steel guitarist in Australia and I am proud to call this fine man my Buddy.
After Samsons set...Kenny did his own usual...impeccable....I cant remember all the numbers that Kenny did..I do remember Mansion on the Hill and a killer version of Guitar Boogie on the C6th Neck.
I am not sure but i think Winnie Winston came on after Kenny...I was right at the back of the Hall but I am pretty sure it was his Keyless Kline that he played...flawlessly.....and regaled us with stories about writing a book with the late Jimmy Crawford......having to learn stuff that they recorded so he could write it down...stuff like Wellephnt Walk....Winnie got one mighty ovation for his performance!!
My Buddy Warren Neilsen couldnt make it for his set through illness...everyone was asking about him.
Another Buddy Bob Alloway did a magnificent bracket...kidding the band,,they were pulling his leg too
Bob is a great player who displays a great amount of confidence.....I cant remember what Bob I had had a couple of Cokes and it was getting late!!!
I think Grahame Griffith closed the show ..but I had to leave before then....sorry Grahame.
Iff I missed apologies.....but I dont have a programe so this is from memory
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Ivan Posa


Hamilton, New Zealand
Post  Posted 10 Mar 2005 7:15 pm    
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Tony, thanks for the kind words. After watching you post here on the Forum for some time, it was nice to meet you at last. Sorry I don't drink anymore otherwise you might have got me into trouble. Max and I enjoyed our 4 days in Oz and would love to do again if so invited. Noel and Shirley Anstead, and their helpers, did a great job of organising the show which was most enjoyable and interesting as there was plenty of variety this year, which held everyones interest right to the end. The Smokin' Crawdads were great fun and easy to work with. They are all quality players and musicians who knew their stuff. I hope whoever takes up the organisational reins for next year can maintain the high standard of this years event. The only dissapointment for me was not to have Aussies two best players Michel Rose and Tommi Grasso on the show. Perhaps next year....IP

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