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My new Rittenberry

Posted: 21 Nov 2011 4:57 pm
by Vincent Serice
Got my new Ritt about 2 weeks ago. Time to post some pictures. I absolutely love this guitar. It is really easy to play and the knee levers are like butter. I havent had to adjust them since I got the guitar. Gary knew what kind of tone I like and said he could get it for me and boy did he. I knew the first time I hit the 6th string and picked it he had done just what he said he could. But thats the kind of guy Gary is. He is above all, a good man I am proud to call my friend. He will work a hundred and ten percent to make you what you want the way you want it. The guitar is a burgandy color with pearl inlay top and bottom. The pictures are with a new phone and dont do Justice to the guitar at all. For that I apologize to Gary. It has a truetone pickup, which I also love the tone of. String separation is really great. Workmanship
Image is the best of quality.


Posted: 21 Nov 2011 6:03 pm
by Bill Dobkins
Congrats and welcome to the Rittenberry club. I love that color. I get conpliments on my Ritt evrey time I play it out. To say perfection is an understatement and Gary will go beyond the call for you.

Posted: 22 Nov 2011 1:01 pm
by Wally Taylor
Hey Vincent,
Welcome to the Rittenberry family and congrats on the new steel. Gary does a great job and I know you are gonna be happy with it! She is a beauty for sure! :D

Posted: 22 Nov 2011 4:21 pm
by Charlie Thompson
Hey Vincent,
Thats a real beauty for sure... I just got off the phone with Gary giving me phone support (at the dinner hour) on one of my two Ritts. Not only does Gary build the finest guitars, he's there for you if you any question or problem.

Posted: 22 Nov 2011 5:05 pm
by Norman Evans
Congratulations Vincent,
Nice looking Rittenberry you have. I'm sure you are going to like it. Gary sure builds nice steels.
I picked up a new one last week and I really like it.

Posted: 22 Nov 2011 6:33 pm
by Chris Dorch
two big thumbs up!

Posted: 22 Nov 2011 7:37 pm
by Bill Dobkins
You guys have to stop with the compliments, He had to cut his hair off to get his hat on from the swelling. :lol: :lol:

Posted: 23 Nov 2011 6:30 am
by Jody Cameron
Wow! Tooti, it looks great! I know it sounds great too. Jody

Posted: 23 Nov 2011 8:37 am
by Tommy Minniear
Nice guitar, Tootie! Now,...don't let Danny Cormier know you have already know how he is when it comes to those Ritteberry Steel Guitars... ;-)

Thanks to all

Posted: 23 Nov 2011 8:39 am
by Vincent Serice
Thanks everybody for the comments. Hey Jody. I really do love this guitar.I picked the color from what I think what was the color from your old Ritt. I would like to say something here. I now own a Mullen, a Justice, and a Ritterberry.I dont know Del but Fred and Gary are two guys I love as human beings for their attitude to life. I own a guitar from each. To me these are the best 3 guitars I've ever owned. There are things about each I love. Nothing I dont like. My idea of tone and playability is mine and each fit me to a tee. I think I have the best of the world of steel guitars from guys who are the best in the business. I wish all a happy Thanksgiving. Tootie Serice :D :D :D

The Cajun Man

Posted: 23 Nov 2011 8:46 am
by Vincent Serice
Hey Tommy. My old buddy Danny was supposed to come play the guitar but hasn't showed up. I think he knows I wont sell it to him so he wont play it. Ha.I shore miss Danny on the forum. Seems like somethings missing dont it? By the way if Joe, Murnell and Richard are reading, you guys are welcome to come try it out anytime. Tootie

Posted: 23 Nov 2011 11:16 am
by Roger Crawford
If you own a Ritt, you are going to have a huge problem!!! You are about to lose a lot of sleep because of not being able to tear yourself away from it. Don't they sound good???


Posted: 23 Nov 2011 3:15 pm
by Charlie Moore
Toot man,you hit a home run on this one,sounded GREAT at the jam..guys this cat can play believe me,and this guitar does the trick...Toot you have 3 guitars now thats enough...c ya soon pal...


Posted: 23 Nov 2011 3:40 pm
by Skip Cole
That is a great looking steel , bet it has that " new car smell . :) I listened to Murnel B. and JoeR play on the Youtube , and you talk about some tone and pickin, wow !! If you hadn't yet , you need to give um a listen. Congrats on the new gitar.


Posted: 24 Nov 2011 8:44 am
by Jim Hollingsworth
They are a thing of wonder! Play well, record great, and impress everyone with the stage sound!


Posted: 25 Nov 2011 1:12 pm
by Joe Rogers
Tootie, I talked to Gary last week & he told me about your new guitar. Was hoping to drag Murn your way & give it a test drive but ran out of time. Will try to get there when I get home on the 8th. Love the mica color...and the natural vs. flocked underside!!!

Skip, thanks for the compliments. Those videos weren't meant for posting. We had an all nighter jam after consuming large quantities of gumbo. We slept late, then woke up to playing what you see was filmed moments after we woke up. If we had known they would have shown up on the web, we would have at least cleaned up a little beforehand....and I would have put some thought into my playing vs. the experimentation. Hahaaaaa!!!

Joe Rogers

Posted: 26 Nov 2011 3:38 pm
by Al Bettis
That is a beautiful Ritt. Enjoy!
Ditto your comments on Gary as a person and willingness to go the extra mile for his customers.


Posted: 27 Nov 2011 7:21 am
by Tommy Alexander
Vincent, be aware of the "cajun boys", they really love the Ritts!
Joe Rogers is going to going to cause you some headache's; cause if you let Murnel play on your new guitar, he'll probadly put it in the back of his truck and you'll have to go get it. And to top is off, Richard Comeaux will play the strings completely off of it.
"Just kiddin' about that"
Glad to see you have a new Ritt; looks good and I know it plays good.
I think that this is Bobby Bowmans motto......

Posted: 29 Nov 2011 4:43 pm
by Murnel Babineaux
Beautiful guitar, Tooty !!

Can I go over and tear it up ?????


come on down.

Posted: 29 Nov 2011 8:41 pm
by Vincent Serice
Murnel, get Deuce,(the love of Murnels life),Joe,Richard, and come on down anytime. Or come by youself. Would love to see you guys again.
Tommy,I bought a new double Ritt from Gary a while back and Joe and Murnel found out about it and came to the house together to try it out and fell in love with the guitar. I've never seen anybody like a guitar so fast. It was instantaneous. They both ordered guitars from Gary within days of playing mine.Richard bought his soon after. They left a few licks on mine but them boys are way ahead of me. Danny Cormier now owns the guitar I bought and I ordered a new Single Ritt which is the one in this post. I am fortunate to have these guys live close by and to be able to hear them play. Proud to call them my friends. Tootie :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Posted: 30 Nov 2011 7:30 pm
by Joe Rogers
Murnel's guitar is serial #58, mine is #59, and Richard's is #60. What is funny is that Richard had not seen a Rittenberry, nor played one before ordering his. He flew by the seat of his pants when we ordered ours. Talk about trust..!!! To this day, he is not disappointed.

The jury is still out on which guitar sounds the best.....but mine looks the best....!!! :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Tootie, gonna try and head your way when I get home in a week...!!

Joe Rogers


Posted: 8 Dec 2011 1:31 pm
by Daniel J. Cormier
Still trying to get over there Tootie.Bussiness is so bad can't afford the gas. :wink: Sure is pretty. the only way I can afford one like that is to sell my D-10 Rittenberry. Anit gonna happen.