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Author Topic:  Seymour's Christmas Card
Dean Dobbins


Rome, Ilinois, U.S.A. * R.I.P.
Post  Posted 9 Dec 2004 12:50 am    
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It's 2:54 A.M. CST. in Illinois- and I have just loaded my 5-disc player in my living room with Christmas CD's for the holiday season.
As I'm posting this your "Christmas Card" is playing.
I don't know if you remember, or not, but I bought your latest CD in Lexington, Ky., and as you were out, I paid for it in advance, and you said you would ship it as soon as you got back to Nshvl-- I received it just a few days later, but while there, you gave me a copy of the Christmas Card CD- and like I said when starting this post, I'm listening to it now- it's great!
All I can say, is THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!-
I love the Jazz perspective you put into it.
Everybody should have a copy!

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Bob Strum


Anniston Alabama
Post  Posted 9 Dec 2004 4:33 am    
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You're so right Dean. The ending on Silent Night is worth twice the price. Great job Bobbe on really tough stuff, AND really needed at this time of year. Sincerely, Bob
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Larry Robbins

Fort Edward, New York
Post  Posted 9 Dec 2004 2:35 pm    
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I'm with you fellers! This CD has some of the most tastful playing as well as arrangments that Ive heard anywhere.
My wife took it into work the other day and they played it through the stereo at the plant and all the women just loved it.....
Figures dont it? Even on CD the women love him!!
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Sam White R.I.P.


Coventry, RI 02816
Post  Posted 9 Dec 2004 3:58 pm    
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Larry tell them woman to watch out that Bobbe might just jump right out of that CD and then you husbands are all in trouble.Ha
Sam White
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Kim Tidrow


Imperial, Missouri, USA
Post  Posted 10 Dec 2004 2:03 pm    
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I hope Bobbe plays some of that great stuff when he comes to see me in St. Louis this Sunday(12/12). At least bring some C D's to satisfy our appetite.
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Bobbe Seymour


Hendersonville TN USA, R.I.P.
Post  Posted 10 Dec 2004 6:58 pm    
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Well, my playing is a lot like radioactivity, I really can't expose you to too much at once, just a little at a time in small doses. Just take off your shirt and stand up close to the wall while I put on my lead vest and play "Orange Blosom Special"!
If I teach you how to play it yourself, be sure to just play it in the yard, never play it in the house. (unless you have several fire extinguishers available)!

Yea right, sure. Who do I think I am, Doug Jernigan?
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Bobbe Seymour


Hendersonville TN USA, R.I.P.
Post  Posted 10 Dec 2004 7:21 pm    
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Bob (the dentist), Kim, Larry, Sam, and wonderful Dean, I appreciate your excellent taste in the musical arts. Your compliments have been noted and will be not forgotten soon.

Interesting story behind this Christmas CD, My "country" musicians I usually use on my sessions were out on tour with Rod Stewart, so I called a major "jingle" company here in Nashville and told them I wanted to record a good Christmas CD with a jazzy feeling. Horns, and a good rhythm section.
To my delite, they screamed "Yea!"
I told them I wanted a different but comercial rhythm section sound, and tastful modifications to the time weary old chord progressions. The session leader came to my house, I played the progressions I had in mind, and he embelished slightly more. I feel this breathed a lot of great new life into these classic great old tunes.
I actually sell these CDs the year around because of the great arrangements and the guys musicianship. And the thing is, the musicians buy them for themselves only to have them "taken over" (stolen)by their families!
This is the greatest compliment I could get. One well known Nashville player bought three CDs because his kids kept stealing them. I love this "off handed" compliment!
Christmas CDs are hard to sell but with the correct musical twist, good playing by the band, and nice guys like you posters here on the forum, this job is made a lot easier.

There are some samples for you'all to hear that you can click on, on my store web-page.

As I stated before, you "steel guitar" friends are greatly appreciated.


[This message was edited by BobbeSeymour on 10 December 2004 at 07:32 PM.]

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