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Author Topic:  BBE Acoustimax w/Jerry Douglas Aura
David Alexander


Mead, Oklahoma, USA
Post  Posted 26 Aug 2011 10:13 am    
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Someone may have already covered this in another post but I must tell you guys about a product I was not aware of until recently. I have had the JD Aura pedal and pickup since shortly after they came out but have always had problems with feedback in my loud as usual country band(mostly low and Mid problems as usual with the resos). The pedal is great but it has no onboard eq which leaves having to use another preamp or the controls on an amp or monitor console. Our sound engineer recently brought me a BBE Acoustimax preamp which has the sonic maximizer circuity for the PA systems built into it and it has helped my feedback problems greatly. I am running the Aura pedal into the BBE and then to the monitor console. It has a notch and phase switch in addition to several other tone controls. I have tried several other preamps with the Aura but this sonic maximizer circuit has put it head and shoulders above all others I have tried. In the attached picture the pedals on the top ledge of my pedal board plus the Boss tuner are wired for my dobro and the TC Electronics pedals on the bottom are for my steel (the Superbro attached to the steel leg is not wired into the pedal board). I am running the RV-3 into the effects loop on the BBE with a tip/ring/sleeve chord and the Boss Tuner out of the tuner out on the BBE. If you guys get close to one of these BBE's you need to try it out. It's great. DA

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