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31st Annual PSGA Steel Show Norwalk, Ct 11/13&14

Posted: 11 Oct 2004 10:57 am
by Bob Maickel
The Pedal Steel Guitar Association's 31st Annual Steel Celebration - November 13th and 14th at the Clarion Hotel, (formerly Doubletree) 789 Connecticut Ave., Norwalk, Connecticut 06854. Room reservations phone: 203-853-3477. Room rates are $80.00 per night plus tax. Room reservation deadline is October 29th, be sure to request the special PSGA rate. This promises to be another great show featuring the finest musicians. Confirmed steel players include: Mike Sweeney, Herby Wallace, David Wright, Joe Wright, Chuck Lettes, John DeMaille, Merle Record, Gary Lee Gimble, Roger Trahan, Bill Nauman, Mike Sigler, John Swain, Skip Krevens and Roger Trahan. Other performers are yet to be confirmed. Support musicians confirmed: Bruce Chappelle and Steve Alcott (Bass) Don Cerce Jr. and Van Manakas (Lead guitars) Larry Eagle, Shep Shephard, Dave Sanneborn, (Drums). Chuck Lettes will present an E9th Seminar prior to the show on Saturday November 13th from 8 am until 11 am. Tuition is $50.00, payable to Chuck Lettes. Advance reservations prefered. Contact Chuck at: (303) 797-1134 or E-mail: Check out our web site at: E-mail address/ click on button to contact PSGA.

Posted: 11 Oct 2004 7:12 pm
by Joey Ace
How much is admission?

Posted: 12 Oct 2004 9:57 am
by Bob Maickel
The admission prices vary with each segment however here's the breakdown:

Saturday Concert Noon to 5 pm $25.00. (Seating at 11:25am)

Saturday night Super Jam 8:30 to 11pm $30.00 (Seating at 8:00 pm)

(Special Package price for all day Saturday is $50.00, includes concert and Jam. A $5.00 saving)

Sunday: 11 am to 7 pm. PSGA Members $25.00 (Proof of membership required) Non-Members (Guests) $30.00 (Seating at 10:15am)

Tuition for the Chuck Lettes E9 Seminar Saturday from 8am until 11am is $50.00, payable to Chuck. (PSGA receives no proceeds from the seminar) Setup at 7:30 am.

Posted: 12 Oct 2004 1:48 pm
by Mike Sweeney
Looking forward to coming up there next month. Thanks for the invitation.

Mike Sweeney

Mike Sweeney

Posted: 12 Oct 2004 2:11 pm
by Sam White
Hey Bob can we get the line up for the playing order.
Sam White

Posted: 12 Oct 2004 2:33 pm
by Bob Maickel
Sam the complete listing is on the PSGA web site:

It lists the players, when they will play and many other details.

Posted: 13 Oct 2004 1:03 pm
by John De Maille
Bump !!!!!

Posted: 14 Oct 2004 7:54 am
by Mike Sweeney

Mike Sweeney

Posted: 14 Oct 2004 8:19 am
by Tony Palmer
Ooh...a chance to hear Mike Sweeney in New England!
If you want to hear a good dose of excellent country steel playing, don't miss this show!
Also looking forward to the debut of my two friends Roger Trahan and Merle Record at this show....I won't miss this one!

Posted: 15 Oct 2004 12:23 pm
by John De Maille
I must promote this post !!!!!

Posted: 15 Oct 2004 4:08 pm
by Sam White
Well I'm sorry to say I don't think I will be making this show this year. My wife will be operated on for Breast cancer the 27th and will have 6 weeks of radiation. She comes first and the steel comes second.I don't think she will want to travel a little over 300 miles.We will see how she does and feels.She might just suprise me and feel up to it I don't know. It is a hard operation.
Sam White

Posted: 17 Oct 2004 9:13 am
by John De Maille
Looking forward to seeing you and the R.I.Steel Club gang. Also, can't wait to hear Merle and Roger tear up the place. I was really knocked out by their playing at your show.

Posted: 17 Oct 2004 9:24 am
by Jon Graboff
I'm also looking forward to this years show. I was unable to be there last year so I'm kinda jonesing for a hefty dose of some great steel playing. I'll have a steel playing friend from Stockholm, Sweden staying with us while in the NYC area and he's REALLY looking forward to attending. He's even more starved for this kind of thing than we are here in the Northeast. It'll be great, ya'll come! Jon

Posted: 18 Oct 2004 12:31 pm
by John De Maille
Bump This Up !!!

Posted: 19 Oct 2004 3:25 pm
by Mike Sweeney
Geting closer.

Posted: 19 Oct 2004 9:08 pm
by Herby Wallace
I am really looking forward to this great show again. I have played it several times in the past and this is one of the finest shows in the country. I must say that everything about it is strictly first class. The backup musicians are some of the finest I have ever worked with, so it is really a treat for me getting to work with them. They are very versatile and can play anything you want to play.

Thanks again Bob for inviting me back. I hope to see many of you there in November.

Herby Wallace


Posted: 20 Oct 2004 5:22 am
by Bob Allen
Hi Bob,My name is Bob Allen and I'm living in Ohio at the presant time.Iand my wife just got back from Frank Caruso's show and some folks asked if we were going to your show in Ct. Is it still possiable to get on your program? BobAllen.

Posted: 21 Oct 2004 2:56 pm
by Bob Maickel
Bob Allen: We have a full slate of players for this year. I tried e-mailing you but it bounced back. (AOL claims you don't have a valid address) Please send me an e-mail with your valid address, I'd like to pass along some info to you. Thanks!

Posted: 21 Oct 2004 3:50 pm
by Bob Allen
Hi Bob, Thanks for answering my note.I'm sorry about my Email I had that Email address when I was at my home in Arizona.I'm now living in Ohio for awhile. My email is Thank youfor the info.Bob Allen

Posted: 22 Oct 2004 6:33 pm
by LeRoy Sawyer

Posted: 24 Oct 2004 7:59 am
by John De Maille
Be sure to make your hotel reservations soon. It's getting closer, day by day, and time is running out.

Posted: 28 Oct 2004 9:22 am
Bump For A Great Show - Don't Miss It.

Posted: 28 Oct 2004 8:24 pm
by Bob Taillefer
I have played this show a couple of times in the past. It is one of the finest shows I have ever had the opportunity to play. Great hospitality. The back up band is first rate. They can play it all.
Regards Bob

Posted: 29 Oct 2004 5:05 am
by David Wright
Hi All,
This will be my first time there, and am looking forward to it.....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Posted: 31 Oct 2004 6:02 pm
by Jody Carver
Bob and John,Jeff,Scott,Bruce,If I were able to be with you on your 31st I would be,but
personal problems will keep me from attending.

Please accept my best wishes for a sucessful show as it always is.

Best to Mike Gross who can be heard at every Friday from 1 pm till 4 pm....see all of you one of these days and thanks again for the invite to play with that GREAT backup band.Maybe next year.


Jody edited to say.My Best to Howard R. Image<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by Jody Carver on 31 October 2004 at 06:03 PM.]</p></FONT>