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Author Topic:  Al Petty Update!
Reece Anderson


Keller Texas USA, R.I.P.
Post  Posted 29 Oct 2004 12:49 pm    
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I have recently been in phone contact with my dear friend Al Petty who was indited in a Federal Court in Tyler Texas about 18 months ago, and given a 24 year sentence.

I was there the day of sentencing along with others to testify in his behalf, but it was to no avail. Unfortunately that which I witnessed, will be forever etched in my mind.

Al asked me during our last conversation if I would convey his best wishes to all his many friends and inform them his situation, although extremely difficult, has not shaken his faith or his determination that he will be fully exonerated upon his upcoming appeal.

He is not allowed a pedal steel, but he is playing non pedal in the Church there and spreading GOD's word to fellow inmates. He said he has become very adept at acurately changing the pitch of the strings with his fingers behind the bar.

He further asked that I post the link to his website for those so inclined to see and better understand the circumstances surrounding his very unfortunate situation.

I hope some of you will take the time to write to Al at the address shown on the website. There's no doubt he would both enjoy and appreciate hearing from those who would care to write.
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Joey Ace

Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Post  Posted 29 Oct 2004 2:19 pm    
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This really belongs in the "Steel Players" section, so I'm moving it.

Thanks for posting the update,Reece.
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