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F Pedal tuning promblem

Posted: 5 Jul 2011 4:19 am
by Rick Anderson
This may have been addressed before??
On my Super Pro's F Pedal I'm always tuning it up or down a good half step each time I set it up to play??
Other then that the guitar stays in tune even in transport (both necks)
Any theories??

Posted: 5 Jul 2011 6:35 am
by Larry Bell
I'm always tuning it up or down a good half step
Do the 4th & 8th strings stay in tune? Is it just the F notes that change? Both of them? No problem with the E to D# lever? Are you sure there's a little slack before the raises start? (just a LITTLE dab will do ya)

Answers to those questions will help diagnosis.

Posted: 5 Jul 2011 4:11 pm
by Rick Anderson
Both E and B - F# and C# need tuning

Posted: 5 Jul 2011 5:41 pm
by Larry Bell
so it's the C pedal?
(raises 4 E to F# and 5 B to C#)
(what most folks call the F pedal or F lever raises 4 and 8 E to F)

When you begin to push the pedal, does it raise immediately (i.e., no slack) or does it have a bit of slack? If you loosen the nylon nuts does the open E or B change tuning? One or both may be 'overtuned' -- not enough slack. Like I said it needs just a little bit of slack. There should be a pedal travel adjustment screw. Give it a bit more travel and see if that solves the problem.

Posted: 5 Jul 2011 6:18 pm
by Rick Anderson
Yes Larry, its the C pedal raising the E & B sorry about that. Its not the E-F Lever
Will fool around with the traveling idea

F pedal tuning

Posted: 6 Jul 2011 1:38 pm
by Ray Anderson
Hey Rick, I'm having the same problem with my Pro111 on the B Pedal and I have come to the conclusion that the nylon tuning nuts are backing off; They turn much too freely. Hope this helps. :wink:

Posted: 6 Jul 2011 1:42 pm
by Rick Anderson
Thanks cousin

Re: F pedal tuning

Posted: 9 Jul 2011 5:41 am
by Jim Bob Sedgwick
Ray Anderson wrote:Hey Rick, I'm having the same problem with my Pro111 on the B Pedal and I have come to the conclusion that the nylon tuning nuts are backing off; They turn much too freely. Hope this helps. :wink:
Ray... take the loose tuner off the changer rod. Put One wrap of plumber's teflon tape on the threads, screw the nylon tuner back on. It will tighten up just like new. ( don't try two wraps as you won't be able to screw the nylon tuner back on).
Very cheap fix. :)