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Author Topic:  Introducing New Fans To The Steel Guitar
Dave A. Burley


Franklin, In. USA
Post  Posted 15 Jun 2011 2:37 pm    
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Last week in Nashville, Tenn. was Fan Fair now called The Music Festival.
We had four days of showcasing with different bands at Layla's Bluegrass Inn on E. Broadway. As Layla likes classic country and bluegrass, I felt that it would be best for one of the bands, Jenna Christine Laughead, to add a steel guitar. Jenna is pop country but also does some Patsy Cline. Doug Jernigan played with Jenna the first showcase on Wed. Doug had another commitment on Thurs. and Friday. Mike Sweeney did the showcase those two days. Jenna and her father were totally amazed at how well the steel guitar fit in with the band and even made it much better. Jenna is only 18 and has been rock and pop country and had never had a steel guitar in the band. I have set up a couple more showcases for August and Jenna has insisted that they use the steel guitar again. Doug and Mike did fantastic as always.
All that has to be done is introduce these young singers to the steel guitar and most are going to like it. Another young 18 year old singer who was also part of the showcases is considering adding steel guitar to his band after listening to Jenna and her band.
I feel good.....Two young converts in just one week and these young converts will be having futures. In fact one of them was a top five finalist on the American Idol last year.
Dave A. Burley
Dave A. Burley
P.O. Box #211
Franklin, Ind. 46131

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Twayn Williams


Portland, OR
Post  Posted 16 Jun 2011 9:18 am    
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Yup, that's the way to do it!
Primitive Utility Steel
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Ron Whitfield


Kaaawa, Hawaii, USA
Post  Posted 16 Jun 2011 10:02 am    
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Yay, Dave!
If we all had just two converts under our belts there'd be a glut of steelers happening, maybe even a few more good ones.
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