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Author Topic:  Gold Tone LA-8 Tailpiece and knobs
Dennis Gurwell


California, USA
Post  Posted 21 May 2011 3:51 pm    
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I've removed the tailpiece and pickup cover on my Gold Tone LS-8. That's a vast improvement. Now my right hand isn't blocked by it. Now the problem is that the knob nearest me, the tone knob, kind of gets in my way too. I notice that in pictures of the old Oahu that this Gold Tone is modeled after, that its knobs are in the same place, but that they look flatter and appear not to have as high a profile. Is this correct? Is it possible to replace the present knobs with something more like the old ones. How easy is it to get the present knobs off of the shaft? Does the shaft stick up to high to accomodate the older style flat knobs?
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Steve Ahola

Concord, California
Post  Posted 21 May 2011 5:28 pm     Re: Gold Tone LA-8 Tailpiece and knobs
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Dennis Gurwell wrote:
I've removed the tailpiece and pickup cover on my Gold Tone LS-8. That's a vast improvement. Now my right hand isn't blocked by it. Now the problem is that the knob nearest me, the tone knob, kind of gets in my way too. I notice that in pictures of the old Oahu that this Gold Tone is modeled after, that its knobs are in the same place, but that they look flatter and appear not to have as high a profile. Is this correct? Is it possible to replace the present knobs with something more like the old ones. How easy is it to get the present knobs off of the shaft? Does the shaft stick up to high to accomodate the older style flat knobs?

I know nothing specifically about the LS-8 but if it was me I would set the stock pot and knob aside, and replace them with a pot and control that would work better for me. Pot shafts can be cut but be sure that the filings do not get inside the pot body. Knobs can be filed down so that they set down lower on the body. I might even browse around Goodwill looking for something with a knob I could.
I like the tone pot and knob on the Bay (Supro) lap steel I bought from a fellow forumite- it is a lot like what Fender used on their Brownface amps from the early 60's: very round and smooth on my palm (which rests on it most of the time).
You might see if your local electronics store has a box of miscellaneous knobs that you could look through. (I love browsing around the surplus electronic shop around the Oakland Airport but I don't know if they are still around. I got a big bag full of mica caps, carbon comp resistors, Dale power resistors and multi-turn trim pots for about $15 but that was about 10 years ago.)

Steve Ahola

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