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Author Topic:  Announcing a new version of Guitar Map
Karlis Abolins

(near) Seattle, WA, USA
Post  Posted 24 Feb 2004 7:58 am    
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I have been tinkering with the Guitar Map program to change some of what it does and to add a couple of things I thought it lacked. To summarize the changes:
. It still allows you to test out new copedants without touching a wrench.
. The note selection for the guitar has been modified so that relative pitches are recognized. I have added some string gauges to the note list so that you can choose the correct string. This is important for the chord finder to work properly.
. The fretboard layout is now only one octave from the zero(open) fret to the 12th fret. The boxes are larger so you can see the notes better (this is important for those of us who are getting older and find that we can't see as well as we used to).
. There is a new display of the pedals associated with the note display.
. There is a pick-list to select the different locations of a chord. I have eliminated showing all of the positions at once. You can only see one chord location at a time.
. There is a search all button which will search for all possible iterations of the chord. It will look at multiple pedal combinations. This feature can take a long time so I have limited it in the following way. If you have 10 or fewer pedals on your copedant, the search will look for all combinations of a maximum of 4 pedals. If you have 11 to 15 pedals, it will search for all combinations up to 3 pedals. If you have 16 to 22 pedals, it will search for all combinations up to 2 pedals.
. The order of notes is now important. If you select a chord like a G Major (G, B, D), you will only see the chord positions that have the notes in that order. You will not see B, D, G or any other variation. If you want to see one of the other variations you will have to select that variation.
. You now have the option of adding new scales or chords to the list. To do this, click in one of the boxes on the right that show the scale number. When you do that, a new window will appear which will guide you through that process. You can choose to make the new chord or scale permanent.
. You have a new option to manually select marked note positions on the note display. This can be important for the following feature.
. There is now the ability to copy marked chords or notes to the clipboard so that you can paste them into notepad or some other program. The chords are copied in a very crude version of tablature. You can add barlines to seaparate the chords periodically. You can stack up to 70 characters before you are forced to copy them to the clipboard. each chord takes up a minimum of two characters but can take more if you add pedals. There is a check box which allows you to transpose the chord up 12 semitones.

I want to thank all of the people who sent me comments and suggestions. Wisely I considered them all and then promply ignored them. This program meets my needs. I developed it for myself and thought that I could share it with others. You may find that you don't like it. Or you may find it useful.


This program is provided as-is. I am not a software company and have other things to occupy my time. I do not provide support. If it doesn't install on your system, try some things and then give up. Please let me know, however, if the program does not work predictably. I have tested it in a variety of ways but ultimately I may have missed something.

You can find the program at the following location:

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Carter York


Austin, TX [Windsor Park]
Post  Posted 24 Feb 2004 9:22 am    
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I find your program to be an invaluable companion to my "hand drawn" fretboard maps. Highlighting chords, being able to tweak a string or two in a tuning and see what happens, what a great help....Thanks for making it available to us...

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Jennings Ward


Edgewater, Florida, R.I.P.
Post  Posted 24 Feb 2004 10:27 am    
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Thanks a bunch Karlis. I need all of the help I can get. Thanks again...Jennings
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Fred Shannon

Rocking "S" Ranch, Comancheria, Texas, R.I.P.
Post  Posted 24 Feb 2004 11:49 am    
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Karlis, I say again, your work is certainly appreciated here. I've used the Map in hundreds of instances, especially when teaching new students....It's invaluable. I think if more had access to it, the difficulty in having a student "see" what's happening when the pedals go down or the knee levers are actuated would make an instructor's job much easier. It has certainly made mine so. Thanks for the efforts.


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If it aint got a steel, it aint real

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Karlis Abolins

(near) Seattle, WA, USA
Post  Posted 27 Feb 2004 6:03 pm    
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Here's a hint for those of you who have been using the original version and want to use your old layouts. You will have to open the layout, go to the guitar section and reapply the notes. There are some relative string gauges to help you assign the strings to the correct octave. You can then save your layout and use it as before.

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CrowBear Schmitt

Ariege, - PairO'knees, - France
Post  Posted 28 Feb 2004 1:02 am    
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Thanx Karlis
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David L. Donald

Koh Samui Island, Thailand
Post  Posted 28 Feb 2004 5:58 am    
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I wish someone would do this in a platform independednt manner with Java.

Nice job Karlis, all well in good if you like running a recoring studio with a PC...
I wouldn't.
My PC sits in a corner without a monitor.
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Bob Hickish

Port Ludlow, Washington, USA, R.I.P.
Post  Posted 28 Feb 2004 8:37 pm    
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What am I missing ? I down loaded the map but was uable to open it , I was able to expand it , But no joy from there . I may not have the right program to run it . can any one tell me what I need . Thanks Bob
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Karlis Abolins

(near) Seattle, WA, USA
Post  Posted 29 Feb 2004 7:27 am    
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Did I mention that it is free? Here is an example of what the program can do. On the E9 layout, I selected a G Maj chord of the form 1, 3, 5. I clicked on the "find all combinations button". Then I selected the combinations that make sense (some combinations will never be played) and added them one by one to the the clipboard line. I then copied it to the clipboard and pasted it into the following. It took me a couple of minutes to do this.
1 |-----------------|-5--------|---------|---8|

2 |---------------5E|-5E-------|---------|---8|
3 |-----6------6--5B|-5B----6--|---------|----|
4 |-10--6CD----6F-5C|-------6CD|---------|----|
5 |-10A-6AC----6A---|-------6C-|-4X------|-3-8|
6 |-10B-----6-------|----5B----|---------|-3--|
7 |-----------------|----5-----|-4G-8----|----|
8 |---------6F------|----------|-4D-8D-9F|-3--|
9 |-----------------|----5-----|-------9-|----|

[This message was edited by Karlis Abolins on 29 February 2004 at 07:28 AM.]

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Karlis Abolins

(near) Seattle, WA, USA
Post  Posted 10 Aug 2004 12:25 pm    
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I had someone e-mail me about this recently. Here is the announcement up to the top again.

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