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Author Topic:  Harlen Six String PSG Tuning???
Joey Ace

Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Post  Posted 16 Apr 2011 11:24 am    
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I received this request by email. I have no idea how to respond. Can someone offer advice?

I am a beginner pedal steel player down in Cajun country. I have a 6 string 2 pedal Harlan Smith 1950s pedal steel guitar. Can you tell me what do I tune the strings to? Thanks, Ann

I'll send her the link to this post.
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Jack Stoner

Kansas City, MO
Post  Posted 16 Apr 2011 3:25 pm    
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Danny James, who used to teach at Harlan Brothers in Indianapolis, lives near me. He should know. He is also a forum member. I'll point him to this post.
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Danny James


Summerfield Florida USA
Post  Posted 16 Apr 2011 6:15 pm    
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Hi Joey,

To start with in the 50's I never knew of Harlin Bros. ever selling a Multi- Kord with less than 4 pedals & 6 strings. They also made them with 6 pedals and either 6 or 8 strings, as well as some double neck Multi-Kords with pedals on one neck only in these configurations.

To answer Ann's question as best that I can, I will give you the tunings that Harlins used for a 4 pedal 6 string Multi-Kord and she can tune it with what she prefers for the two pedals she has on her guitar. I suspect 2 pedals have been removed.

Harlins used the old A tuning low bass tuning on the open strings. (no pedals)
Low to high
A tuning- E, A, E, A, C#, E

Now starting with closest pedal to you. (shortest)
A6th tuning - E, A, F#, A, C#, E
D7th added 9th tuning - D, A, F#, A, C, E
E tuning - E, B, E, G#, B, E
C#Mi,7th tuning - E, B, E, G#, C#, E

Personally my choices of only 3 tunings would be the A, E, and D7th added 9th.

However the nice thing about a Multi-Kord is it is easy and quick to change tunings to whatever you desire within the limits of string stretch. Sometimes it is fun to experiment a little.

I hope this helps,
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