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Mitch Crane

1000 Oaks, CA
Post  Posted 8 Mar 2011 6:09 pm    
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I ran across some youtube videos by Jerry Gleason playing a Dynalap model 1 and I've become infatuated with the concept, looks, tone...the whole package...

Jerry Gleason playing 'Sand':

I know the kits are no longer being produced... sure wish they were. You guys that have them, what is it about them that you like / dislike (other than the 8 string tuner being too close to the nut... no slots in the nut).. ?

If anyone has one they wish to part with...
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Dom Franco

Beaverton, OR, 97007
Post  Posted 8 Mar 2011 6:58 pm    
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The only problem I had with mine was the noise from the single coil pickup. Great tone and playability.

I used an Electro-Harmonix HUM DEBUGGER and it solved the problem when playing gigs with it.

Maybe it was just my particular PU, are they all that way?
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Ron Whitfield


Kaaawa, Hawaii, USA
Post  Posted 8 Mar 2011 7:38 pm    
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Mitch, you've probably read all the comments, but rest assured, these are lightweight, comfortable, superb playing/sounding guitars that will not fail you. They stand with any steel in quality sound. I have the earlier composite model, with the 'wings'. As you can see in the pic you provided, the strings can easily feed straight off the tuner shafts and over the nut (without the strings ever moving, or the need to cut string slots), you just gotta line the windings up so they suit your spacings. I think I mounted the tuners in reverse to get more down pressure on the nut.
Dom, you may have had a odd duck, or a grounding quirk, my PU has been nice and quiet.
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Kelvin Monaghan


Victoria, Australia
Post  Posted 8 Mar 2011 9:13 pm    
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Mine is the model 1 all figured maple and quite heavy.
I made a few changes to get it more to my liking.

The TRUETONE PU was very noisey so i shielded it plus the control cavities it helped but i didn't really like its tone more of a Pedal steel tone to my ear.
I put in a Vintage Vibe CC great strong tone.

The nut and bridge i changed to get a wider string spacing,the original was too tight for me .

The nut got in the way at the first fret ,its more a case of the long brass piece overhanging than the 8 string tuner as someone has suggested.The nut also sucked tone mine is now solid ebony a vast improvement for me.

I also changed the dinky little pots to full size CTS much smoother,the originals were so hard to turn.

Anyway a great Kit the beauty of it it's so easy to customise to your liking or keep it as it is still a great inexpensive guitar.

Cheers Kelvin
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