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Steven Welborn


Post  Posted 6 Feb 2011 7:31 am    
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Ive been scanning the resonator guitar market and find many dobros above $2k. How much better sounding are these dobros than say a goldtone or a sheerhorn used under $1k. There must be something to it to warrant the more than double or triple the price. What would that be?
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Brad Bechtel

San Francisco, CA
Post  Posted 6 Feb 2011 10:44 am    
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Besides a generally prettier guitar, the more expensive instruments tend to have a crisper attack, especially in the lower notes, and better projection away from the player.

I have played Scheerhorns and compared them to the Wechter Scheerhorns. I have played Beards and compared them to the Gold Tone Beards. In both cases, the higher end guitar had a better sound overall - richer, more focused, and with the ability to really respond well when you play harder and softer.
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Dave Thier

Fairhope, Alabama, USA
Post  Posted 6 Feb 2011 4:07 pm    
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Brad's description reflects my experience as well.

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Larry Robbins

Fort Edward, New York
Post  Posted 6 Feb 2011 4:48 pm    
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Yep....what Brad said...!
Nothing wrong with the lesser priced ones at Brad said! Wink
so if you want to get something you will probably keep as you learn to be a better player spend the money now..if you can. I have been broke for many long periods of time in my life because of spending "too much" for really good instruments....however...I have never once been longing for one better after I have made the right purchase! world resale value!! not what the owners of some would have you for yourself! ! Wink
Twang to the bone!
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Eric Ebner

Texas Republic
Post  Posted 8 Feb 2011 12:16 pm    
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I've got a $199 Johnson Dobro that I play all the time and really like after a little homespun engineering. It makes good music:-) Got some $2000 Dobros as well and I'll go with Brad on his excellent take on this. Sure a $2000 guitar sounds better... but HOW MUCH better??? Hanging out with friends making music I can tell you that it really doesn't matter. If you're getting paid regularly to play for a audience maybe it does. When I pay cash to see a show I like to see the band use "professional" grade equipment. Around campfires... not so much. It's really about application in my mind. My own ideas on the subject.
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Clyde Mattocks


Kinston, North Carolina, USA
Post  Posted 8 Feb 2011 5:27 pm    
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The original question is a good one and the quality of resonator guitars doesn't necessarily increase in relation to the price. A 600.00 guitar with a good set up can (and probably will) sound better than a 1400.00 guitar off the shelf without a proper set up.
As you get into the 2000.00-3000.00 range, these generally sound good AND are properly set up. Some builders are now in the 5000.00 range and their instruments sound very good, but I wouldn't say they sound two and a half times better than a 2000.00 piece. Like with most consumer goods, there is a certain snob appeal factor at play. If you're building one of the more sought after guitars, the fewer you build, the more you can get for them.
LeGrande II, Nash. 112, Fender Twin Tone Master, Session 400, Harlow Dobro, R.Q.Jones Dobro
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