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Author Topic:  up lever on Sho-Bud problem
Bob Sloan


Washington, USA
Post  Posted 3 Jan 2011 3:00 pm    
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Help, My Super Pro 8 and 6 on strings 5 and 10
are supposed to go from B to Bb 10 will, But 5
will not, I have triple raise and double lower
5 and 10 are on the bottom double. its my up lever.
I could use any help. Thanks bob sloan.
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Jim Palenscar


Oceanside, Calif, USA
Post  Posted 4 Jan 2011 8:50 am    
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Hi Bob. There is a contraption called a "split" mechanism that is used at times in order to get a tunable note when a string is simultaneously raised and lowered. For example, if you raise the 5th string on the E9th neck from B-C# and also lower it from B-Bb at the same time, the split tuning mechanism allows you to tune the in-between note to a usable C note by limiting the lower. On a SuperPro it would most likely be accomplished using a rod on the lower(in your case the vertical) lever into one of the raise holes on the changer. In general, you should have 1 of the raise holes on the 5th string populated with a rod for the A pedal and one for the C pedal leaving one hole open. If that hole has a rod in it most commonly it would be for a split tuning mechanism and should be backed off initially to allow for the lower to occur and they are tuned in this order:tune the open string, then the raise, then the split with both the pedal and the lever engaged using the original lower tuning rod, then tune the final lower with the new split tuner that is now in a raise hole. If this doesn't solve your problem- don't hesitate to call me ~I'm always glad to help- 760-754-2120 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              760-754-2120      end_of_the_skype_highlighting.
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Bob Sloan


Washington, USA
Post  Posted 4 Jan 2011 7:10 pm    
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Thanks Jim, I will give that a try, and let you
know how things work out, God Bless, bob.
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