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Author Topic:  Tuners on Emmons Legrande II
Ray Minich


Bradford, Pa. Frozen Tundra
Post  Posted 22 Nov 2010 8:28 am    
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Went to restring the E9th neck on my LG II Saturday, and found that the 3rd, 4th and 5th string tuners were loose in the head. Tried tightening the nuts but to no avail, they won't snug up.

I was short on time and didn't have time to investigate so I ask anyone who knows...

Are the threads stripped out in the head or do they thread into the tuner? It looks like the threads on the tuner nuts are on the nut Outside Diameter surface.

Is this a common problem?

Is there a quick fix (like using a toothpick or some thread filler upper to fill the clearance)?

Will buying 3 new tuners solve the problem or do I nead a whole now stepped head?

Thanks for any advice/info you might provide.
Lawyers are done: Emmons SD-10, 3 Dekleys including a D10, NV400, and lots of effects units to cover my clams...
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J Hollenberg

Vlaardingen, The Netherlands
Post  Posted 22 Nov 2010 9:13 am    
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I've had the same problem with my Lashley LeGrande from 1993.I have replaced them with genuine Grover tuners with the name Grover on the side.No problem since.
The stock tuners that gives the problems looks the same but have no name on the side.
PS: They thread into the tuner and it is a common problem because when I told them the problem they already knew the answer.

Greetings from The Netherlands,
Jack Hollenberg
Sjaak Hollenberg
Emmons Lashley LeGrande SD10 from 1993
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Sez Adamson


South Africa
Post  Posted 22 Nov 2010 11:07 am    
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I had the same problem as Jack. I think the original tuners have a shorter threaded barrel. Once the threads in the barrel get a bit old, the threads won't grip no matter what you do.
I bought a set of Mini Grovers for a 12 string guitar and replaced the worn ones with these. They have slightly longer barrels, and have the name 'Grover' etched on the side. I remember seeing them at Scottys some years ago.
Hope this helps.
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