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F Lever Problem

Posted: 13 Nov 2010 9:38 pm
by Pete Storms
Howdy Folks;

The F lever on my Sierra S10 kesps sliding up twards my thigh whenI push on it. I Tightened it so it dosn't hang loose,but it still sldes up on me. After closely watching and anyalizing I noticed that my knee doesn't push squarely on the lever so after moving my seat to where my knee does line up square, thus solving the problem, it throws of my angle for sitting squarely behind my guitar. This just started to happen recently and it makes me wonder if my guitar needs some adjustment, or could loosing weight play into this? Needless to say it's starting to frustrate me.

Any thoughts on this?
Pete :?

Posted: 14 Nov 2010 3:21 am
by David Nugent
Pete...Not being familiar with Sierra guitars I cannot say with certainty, but there should also be an adjustment for the knee lever angle. At the top of the lever where it attaches to the bracket, you may observe a small set screw that can be adjusted using an allen wrench. By turning this screw clockwise, you should then notice the lever tilting slightly inward instead of perpendicular, this may help solve the problem.

Posted: 14 Nov 2010 6:32 am
by Jerry Overstreet
Mine does that too Pete and I have the opposite problem with my LKR creeping toward my knee. It's the swing away lever on my Sierra universal though, so it can only be tightened to the degree that will still let it swivel. I use a nylok nut on the mounting bolt and that helps some.

It can be a bit annoying, but it's not that bad and I guess I'm used to it by now.

Sierra's KL's mount different from most guitars with the levers folding toward the front or rear of the guitar rather than sideways, so adjusting for tilt is not possible except for what can be done with the linkages, stops, etc.

You can work a piece of aluminum channel or angle and mount it over the hub so that the lever will only rotate forward. That's probably the easiest solution.

Posted: 14 Nov 2010 8:50 am
by C Dixon
Sierra knee levers on some models, have their "paddles" adjust front to back, rather than left to right; as is the case on most pedal steel guitars. Sierra also allows left and right adjustment as well, on some knee levers, particularly on right moving knee levers.

This is a two edged sword however, as indicated by the author of this thread, and one other poster so far.

The new Excels have started doing this also, on some of its knee levers, but in a different way. Rather than the adjustment screw tightening against the paddle, the screw tightens agains a "YOKE" that the paddle pivots in.


In this way you can make it even tighter (where your knee cannot change its adjustment, but it will still fold to close the case.

Note: "Fixed" means the knee lever does NOT fold front to back, rather it folds left and right. In this case, he often uses a "Lock Washer" between the paddle and the bottom portion of the knee lever. So after adjusting it, the lock washer holds the adjustment rock solid.

He used to put the lock washer between the paddle and the head of the cap screw. You might try some of these ideas to solve your problem dear friend.

And may Jesus guide you in your quests.
