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Paul Crawford

Orlando, Fl
Post  Posted 8 Nov 2010 7:12 am    
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This is just the opposite of the Frustrated Steel Players thread. How many of you spend your weeknights trying to learn the latest slide guitar lick to fill in behind the lead guitar?

I always resist the temptation to play slide style on any original I'm recording, but come club time, I'm trying to play guitar a quarter of the night. So many new songs feature a slide/bluesy guitar twining with another lead guitar. When we're covering those tunes, they ask me to play slide, and since I'm pretty happy to be playing at all, I always comply. I use an old effects box to comp a pretty overdriven blues tone and sometimes use the plastic tone bar that came with my Match-bro to kill some of the sustain. It at least lets us cover a lot of popular hooks.

I saw a shot of Paul Franklin a few years back playing a lap steel over his C6th neck and to my ear it sounded like a great slide part, (of course most of what PF plays sounds great to me.) My guess is a steel or lap steel is used a lot more than we might think to record these parts. At least they lay out pretty well on a steel.

How many others are sliding away on the weekends?
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Elton Smith

Texas, USA
Post  Posted 9 Nov 2010 10:42 pm    
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Hi Paul don't worry bout it just play it.
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