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Author Topic:  Match Box + L10K Volume Pedal = 2 Preamps?
Rob Stein


Woodstock, NY
Post  Posted 2 Nov 2010 7:39 pm    
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I play my Mullen Royal Precision through a Goodrich Model 6A Super Sustain Match Box into a Goodrich L10K volume pedal. I can't remember the thought (or lack of it) that went into that back when I got them, but I saw a mention on the Forum that said "using two preamps" is a no-no, or something like that.
Am I correct in recalling that these two units contain a circuit with a similar function - to keep impedance/tone consistent through the whole range of the volume pedal, and if so, am I in fact using two preamps, to the extent that my sound is being degraded?
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Jack Stoner

Kansas City, MO
Post  Posted 3 Nov 2010 2:15 am    
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It is true there are two similar units in that the matchbox has a "constant impedence" buffer circuit and the L10K also has a constant impedence buffer circuit.

Electronically both are not needed, but if you like the sound with both, go for it. On the other hand, have you tried it without the matchbox to listen how it sounds? It may be it's not needed.

I used a matchbox and an H10K for a short period (I didn't like the H10K and got rid of it and went back to a standard pot pedal at the time). But, I used the matchbox because it had a tone control option and my guitar did not have a tone control on it.
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Rob Stein


Woodstock, NY
Post  Posted 3 Nov 2010 8:09 am    
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Thanks, Jack. Unfortunately, I'm never consistently sure of my sound- it differs too much to me depending on the room/setting, and if there is a difference when I've tried omitting the Match Box, it's hard to tell.
I'm in the process of completing my home recording setup, and will be able to compare the recorded sounds with and without, so that might settle it.
I like having the tone and gain controls handy on the Match Box, I guess that's why I'm using it at this point..
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