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Author Topic:  Here is an amazing, dirt cheap DAW for your enjoyment.
Teddy Ray Bullard II

Pocatello, Idaho
Post  Posted 24 Oct 2010 9:52 pm    
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I learned/apprenticed on Pro Tools but once I started working professionally(I had a business doing live/location recordings of acoustic and classical music) I migrated to Sequoia(which i still use as I am familiar with it)


I am VERY impressed with REAPER. It works with PC and Mac, It can do anything a body needs. The license is paid for on the "honors system" Free for 30 days!

Just about anything you can think of can be a key command, menu item or toolbar button. It is completely customizable and totally under your control.
Everything is customizable. Everything.

One track type. Does it all.

Quicker routing. Drag and drop anything.

Item Processing. Being able to put plugins on individual items instead of the whole track. So you can actually crossfade from one effect to another.

Item volume adjustment. No need to write automation to make adjustment to volume and panning. You can just split the item and adjust it's volume. Non-destructive.

Snap to Grid is far superior to Grid and Slip in Pro Tools. You can set the sensitivity so you can stay in one mode. No switching. If you're close to the grid, it snaps. Otherwise it doesn't. You can also bypass any snapping by holding the Shift key. No switching modes.

Saving FX Chains with their presets. Just choose a chain and everything is there.

Track Templates. I've wanted this in Pro Tools for years.

Zooming, Scrolling and Fader moves with the mousewheel.

you can get it here. the installation file is TINY(4.9 megabytes)(and can be easily transported between studios using a thumbdrive)


and you can buy these tutorials.

if anyone needs help with this or any other DAW(other than PT, which I havent kept up with because I really dislike it) please feel free to PM me. Recording is one area in which I can give back to this wonderful forum!

now for those of you who want somethng even more simple/basic,

Reaper runs circles around it though!
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Teddy Ray Bullard II

Pocatello, Idaho
Post  Posted 24 Oct 2010 9:54 pm    
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gosh, im sorry! i forgot i had posted this a few days ago.. someone asked about DAW software recently and I felt compelled to mention this.

sorry guys/moderators!
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