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Elton Smith

Texas, USA
Post  Posted 27 Sep 2010 11:21 am    
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What is involved in adding a knee lever.Im looking at a guitar with 3 knees.LkL is not there.An msa classic ext 9th 12 string?
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David Mason

Cambridge, MD, USA
Post  Posted 27 Sep 2010 3:09 pm    
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There is still some info up at the Carter site:

The "theory of rodding" will be instructive, but an awful lot depends on your previous mechanical abilities, in terms of doing it yourself. I don't think too many experienced people would advocate rebuilding one at the start.
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David Nugent


Gum Spring, Va.
Post  Posted 27 Sep 2010 4:48 pm    
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If the lever you wish to install is not available as a complete kit you will require the following parts: One cross bar or axle, one lever, bracket and linkage (a check of one of the existing levers should give an idea of how these parts function as a whole), one bellcrank or "puller", one pull rod and nylon tuning nut for each string you wish to raise or lower with the lever. Installation is a fairly easy process, but my advice is to first determine where you would like the lever to be placed, lay all the parts out, assemble and test them in that position to be certain that they will function properly before drilling any holes in the undercarriage. As this lever is to be positioned farthest from the changer, it will be necessary to route the rods past existing undercarriage parts, so particular attention should be payed to any possible binding problems....Note: One trick that may prove helpful upon installating the lever bracket is as follows: remove one screw securing an existing lever to the body and measure its length, this will be the approximate depth of your pilot hole. Next, after installing the bit you will be using in the drill, measure the exposed part of the bit, take the difference between the two and cut a small block of wood to that thickness (should be about 1" or so). As you are drilling, hold the piece of wood against the drill bit so that the drill chuck strikes the block when the desired depth is reached.... I recently installed a LKV on my Sho-Bud LDG using this method and the process went very smoothly. Hope this information proves useful and best of luck with the project.
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