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Any issue in changing 6th string to wound instead of plain

Posted: 21 Sep 2010 12:17 am
by Michael Maratos
Has anybody any views on whether using a wound .022 6th string instead of the existing .022 plain on my Magnum would cause any issues. (I just have some spare sets of strings with a wound 6th and don't know whether to use them or not)


Posted: 21 Sep 2010 1:42 am
by Jack Stoner
If you are lowering the 6th string it could be an issue as there is more mechanical travel involved.

Posted: 21 Sep 2010 4:09 am
by Ken Metcalf
Not to bad lowering to G but F# is a long throw.
I would not use them just to get rid of some strings.

Posted: 21 Sep 2010 4:22 am
by Jerry Overstreet
As stated, lowering a full tone is a problem. Otherwise, some players like the sound of the wound string better and it seems less troublesome overall except for the aforementioned limitation.

Posted: 21 Sep 2010 8:17 am
by Earnest Bovine
I prefer the sound of the wound string.
Also it stays in tune better. Cabinet drop on a plain .020 or .022 can be a significant problem.
The only downside is that it's harder/longer to raise the wound string, and that causes more cabinet drop on the other strings. but overall, tuning is better with wound 6th.

Posted: 21 Sep 2010 9:12 am
by Ken Metcalf
You have got me thinking since I don't lower my 6th string much any more.
How much difference is there on the raises?
I raise my 6th string to A and occasionally to Bb
Might just try it as it is more stable tuning wise.

Posted: 21 Sep 2010 9:41 am
by b0b
You will probably have to move the pull rods for that string to different holes in the bell cranks. The wound string requires more travel, so the pull rod needs to be further from the crossbar.

Ideally, you want the the pulls for the 3rd and 6th strings to be in sync (starting at the same time) so that you don't feel a "notch" in the pedal travel.

Like Earnest, I prefer the sound of the wound 6th. Most players use a plain string, though.

Posted: 22 Sep 2010 11:23 am
by Michael Maratos
Thanks to you all for the advice - very helpful

Posted: 26 Sep 2010 6:34 pm
by Butch Pytko
My feeling on the wound vs plain for the 6th string has always been one of sound or tone. Years back when I was taking lessons, my steel teacher highly recommended using the wound for the 6th string. He gave me the same reasons that have been stated above. I tried the wound for a while & found it was easier to tune, stay in tune, & so on. But, I missed that brighter sound or tone you get from the plain string. Also, from the many interview write-ups I have from Buddy Emmons, I think he stated that he really liked the "snap" or "pop" you get from the plain, which you can't get from the wound string! I have certainly agreed with that line of thinking for a long time!