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Pro Fex ll

Posted: 16 Sep 2010 2:24 pm
by Roger Foreman
Do you know anybody that can work on a Pro Fex ll. Sent this one back to Pevey 2 time and still not working.

Posted: 16 Sep 2010 2:36 pm
by Jack Stoner
What is wrong with it? If Peavey can't fix it, I doubt that Ace Tech Ken Fox can do it.

Posted: 16 Sep 2010 2:57 pm
by Ken Fox
I agree with Jack! I know the analog circuits pretty well in there but I do not get into the digital side at all!

Posted: 16 Sep 2010 6:32 pm
by Roger Foreman
I will try to explain. Rack system ProFex ll, DPC 750, tuner etc. Aprox 15yrs. old. Never had a problem. Started poping loud. Isolated profex. Noticed when unit was turned on, about 15 sec. the clip light would come on. Thats when the loud pop. Got worse. Sent it to peavey, they cleaned it and sent it back. Same problem. Sent it back, now clip light comes on but no sound. Left Mike Brown a message that was never returned.

Posted: 17 Sep 2010 4:14 am
by Ken Fox
Sounds like it had battery leakage. I hate to say it, but it may not be repairable if the leakage has continued.

Posted: 17 Sep 2010 11:31 am
by James Marlowe
Y'all are scaring me!
I just sent my newly acquired, battery-less modded PFII to Peavey for a problem. It was making a loud, sharp pop when a note was played at volume. As far as I know repair hasn't been started yet. Sure hoping I have better luck!! :roll:

Posted: 17 Sep 2010 12:43 pm
by Roger Foreman
The Ken Fox mod was put in my unit when they first came out and I have had no problems until the poping started. And when I say poping I mean loud enough to blow a speaker.