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DeWitt Scott

St. Louis, Missouri, USA * R.I.P.
Post  Posted 18 Nov 2003 3:41 pm    
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Mary and I were prepared to drive to Bixby, OK to attend the funeral service for Speedy AND THEN THE RAIN CAME. I checked the weather between St. Louis and Bixby and the rain got even worse the further Southwest we would have to drive through. I am so very sorry that Mary and I were not able to make the drive. We both have a tough time driving at night anyway and with the weather as bad as it was it makes it even worse for us. If there were an accident we would have been right in the middle of it. At least, our hearts and minds were with Speedy and his wife Mary. Scotty
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Jim McGinnis


Owasso, OK USA
Post  Posted 19 Nov 2003 8:47 am    
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Scotty, the weather did turn very bad and there were tremendous storms in the area. Speedy would not have wanted you to risk your health. He very much knew how you cared for him.
I was able to attend the service and it was lovely. A Western Swing band played while the
attendees were assembling and during the service. I'm sorry to say that I didn't know the steel player but maybe someone else who attended can tell us.
Speedy’s red steel guitar was set up and was setting just to the right of Speedy. Guy Logsdon gave a beautiful eulogy of Speedy and his accomplishments. I may have mis-spelled his name but I believe he publishes a Western Swing catalog and maybe has written a few books on the subject.
The minister used to be a local DJ and is a musician and songwriter so he also shared some neat Speedy West stories.
Speedy would have been proud of the Service..
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Jody Carver

Post  Posted 19 Nov 2003 11:54 am    
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This is for you. The night before Speedy passed,we spoke of the old times at Fender & we spoke of you. He told me a few stories of his fun times with you and we both laughed.

He made a comment to me and he said and I quote..Jode,they almost lost me the other night. I told him no one could lose you Speedy,he was silent and said, Jode I'm really tired out buddy so I think I'll take a nap,,We said our goodbye's and hung up.
Little did I realize that within a few short hours he would be gone.
When I learned that Speedy passed on to a better place,I thought of what he said......
"They almost lost me the other night".

"They" didnt lose Speedy, Jesus found Speedy and took him home.

Thats all I have to say and thank you Scotty
for the cassette of Speedy and myself fooling around during my set at the ISGC.I hear his voice and He is still with me in my heart and memories.

Thanks to you Scotty.
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