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GFI Website

Posted: 11 Nov 2003 11:57 am
by Gene Fields
After procrastinating for too long, there were enough things we wanted to change and add to our website that it seemed easier to just totally redo it. It is finally done and we invite anyone who is interested to check it out. It can be reached at or

Posted: 11 Nov 2003 12:25 pm
by Mike Sigler
Im proud to be a part of your GFI family, I know for touring with Holly Dunn or doing Studio work, The GFI always plays and sounds great!!!
Tone to the bone!! Image
Thanks for building such a great guitar!
Mike Sigler

Posted: 11 Nov 2003 7:38 pm
by Rex Thomas

Posted: 12 Nov 2003 9:29 am
by Robert Rogers
Gene I just wanted to say that Im also proud to be a part of the GFI family.Im very sorry that I didnt get to come to kentucky but I just started a new job at wal-mart and I couldnt get off of work that weekend.I love my guitar.It plays great.God bless,
Robert Rogers

Posted: 12 Nov 2003 9:59 am
by Al Marcus
Glad to see it ,Gene. Congratulations! Image Image

My Website.....

Posted: 12 Nov 2003 2:16 pm
by HowardR

Image <FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by HowardR on 12 November 2003 at 02:18 PM.]</p></FONT>

Posted: 12 Nov 2003 3:32 pm
by r johnson
I too am a member of the GFI family. I have a D-10 keyless with 8p's and 7k's. The instrument was a perfect fit right out of the box and the sound made all the band member believers. The great part is no
wrenching, I can now concentrate on playing
the instrument. Thanks for building a great guitar.

Posted: 12 Nov 2003 4:58 pm
by Don E. Curtis
Gene, the site looks fantastic!!!
Proud to be a part of it...
Simply an outstanding guitar!
Don Curtis

Posted: 12 Nov 2003 7:32 pm
by Gino Iorfida
Very nice site revision... right in time in fact since i've been researching GFI HEAVILY lately.

I also want to thank in public the superb, fast response I received on a question in regards to oen point of construction. Good job! That's how a company should handle it... finalized my decision!!!

... just need to finish saving the pennies so I can get one of them there purdy blue aluminum/black mica D-10 ultra (love the one piece keyed headstock!)

Posted: 12 Nov 2003 8:12 pm
by Bobbe Seymour
Gene, What can I say that I haven't already said? This is the most highly advanced , greatest new tech. and farthest advanced steel guitar built in the new millennium. Easiest to maintain, change setups on, get parts for, lightest without being so light that the guitar walks when you push a knee lever, and by far the best sounding new design in a long time. How many do we place in a happy home in a week? Pretty unbeliveble, huh?
Thank you for making so many steel players happy Gene, Pros and non-pros alike.
Great guitars. And I'm picky!

Posted: 12 Nov 2003 10:02 pm
by B. Greg Jones
Gene, VERY NICE website!!! I enjoyed getting to meet you at the Lexington show. It was also the 1st time that I got to see one of your guitars up close. Very nice. It is no wonder why more and more players are getting your guitars. I caught yours and Mike Sigler's sets and the guitars sounded great.


Posted: 12 Nov 2003 10:32 pm
by Jody Sanders
Great job Gene, Hope to see you in March. Jody.

Posted: 12 Nov 2003 11:30 pm
I was curious, The legs on a GFI steel guitar don't look like they are adjustable like all the others. For taller or shorter legs, do you have to order them special? Image

Posted: 13 Nov 2003 4:37 am
by Don Sulesky
Hi Gene,
Great site and great guitars.
Nice talking and spending some time with you at the PSGA show this past weekend.
I gave Roy Ayres your number so you should be expecting a call from him.
Best to You,

Posted: 13 Nov 2003 8:07 am
by Roy Ayres

It was great talking with you today after all those years -- thanks to Don Sulesky for bringing me your number. As I told you on the phone, you build a great steel; I had predicted when we worked at Fender that you would someday wind up building and selling something of your own design.

I'm making some of the S.G. shows now-a-days, so perhaps we can get together one of these days and open up a keg of nails.

And, by the way, your web site looks great.

Posted: 14 Nov 2003 4:08 pm
by Jody Carver
Sorry I missed you at the PSGA show. I had to pick Bob Campbell up at the airport.Bob asked me if you still had that Hillbilly contraption? Im happy that you are feeling well and you have some Fender friends here on this Forum..Roy,Carl, and who else was your friend?? Image

Good Luck my friend.

PS I knew CBS wouldnt make it after you left Image Image Bob is now making Soup"Bean Soup"
Good Luck. Thanks to Howard Reinleib we were able to see your great PS 210 guitar,,I always liked that guitar but Howard beat me to it. Image

Posted: 18 Nov 2003 6:19 am
by Ronnie Miller
Hey Gene, the website looks great..Let me tell you how proud I am to be a small part of the GFI family..I truly appreciate everything you and Bob have done for me these past 11yrs....Ronnie

Posted: 18 Nov 2003 7:00 am
by C Dixon
Great site Gene,

Very professionally done. With clear concise language throughout. Good photos that should answer most questions an inquisitive buyer might need to know.

I wish you much success. With your awesome background and credentials, looks like a winner to me.

On a side note: Fellows, note the copedent listed under "Steel Guitar Features" under SIT strings. Further augmenting my belief that there IS a standard emerging when it comes to the PSG. Notice the location and changes on each pedal and knee lever. I predict that in the not too distant future deviations from this will be few and far between; as ever newer and younger players take up this incredible instrument.

If this standard does in fact become the norm, it will be a boost to sales of the PSG. Also, teachers will have a much easier time; and enjoy much less frustrations trying to teach the basics with ONE tuning; using tab and ultimately teaching students sheet music.

May Jesus richly bless you always Gene,
