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What A Weekend In Bristol, VA

Posted: 13 Oct 2003 9:20 am
by Mike Sweeney
We'd like to start off by saying a big "THANKS" to Steve Leonard and his family for putting on such a great show and for their hospitality. All the guys in the band were great players which really makes us sound good. It's always great to see friends like Laney and Russ Hicks, Bryan Adams, Randy Beavers, Jerry Flemming, Mike Calloway, Herbie Wallace, Roy Ayers, Walter Haynes,Ray Walker, Bob Hayes, Sam White, Larry Jenkins, Joe Sapp, Chuck Campbell, Clyde Bloodworth and many other new friends. If you missed this one you really missed out. ALL the steelers played Great!! The fellowship was wonderful. Teresa and I haven't enjoyed a show so much in a long time. We really encourage everyone to support Steve in his efforts so that we can continue this as an annual event for many years to come. This was truly a first class event and Steve is to be congratulated.

Mike and Teresa Sweeney

Posted: 13 Oct 2003 9:45 am
by Joseph V. Sapp
Ditto's to all of the above. the entire family of players that attended made me, my daughter,son, and Wife feel like true family. lots of wonderful memories were made as well as lots of new friends. A Big thank you to Steve for the invite, and hopefully, we'll see y'all next year if not sooner. Wish I could have hung around longer sunday, but seven hours is abit of a haul. Take care, stay safe, and God Bless.


Derby SD-10 4X5 Nashville 400, Fender blackface twin, Lexicon MPX 100, Profex ll

Posted: 13 Oct 2003 10:39 am
by George Crowder
Steve Leonard and family, thanks for putting on the Bristol steel show. The music was great and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Posted: 13 Oct 2003 11:11 am
by Russ Hicks
Thanks to S. Leonard and Co. for a very enjoyable week-end...met some great steelers,saw some old friends, and made some new ones....what else is there....count me in for next year and thanks again to Steve.

Posted: 13 Oct 2003 11:46 am
by Sam White
Mike you are one hundred per cent right. It was a great Steel Show. I want to thank Steve lennard for inviting me all thou I'm not a good player yet but in time I'll be there.It was incredible Mike Sweeney,Bryan Adams,Russ Hicks,Herby Wallace. Walter Haynes,Randy Beaver Steve Lenard. Mike Callaway, Jerry Flemming,and all the rest were just awsome and if I move to Vermont by the time the next show I will drive down to be here with all you great people.
Sam White<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by Samuel E. White on 13 October 2003 at 12:47 PM.]</p></FONT>

Posted: 13 Oct 2003 12:12 pm
by Ray Walker
Yea what they said!!!! Image The last time I had that much fun was at the Mountain City jam and guess what...a lot of the same guys were involved in that too. Steve... you and your Dad were great for doing it the way you did. I know you worked your pants off and I just know without a doubt that there is not one person who attended that doesn't already fully appreciate it too. made my weekend brother. I guess it ain't no secret anymore what I think of your playing.....I guess I shouldn't have played your whole album though Image Image but now the whole world knows I love your style. You can bet I'll be out real soon to the boot camp to get my mess ups fixed. Thanks Mike. Joe... you da man...I was so happy to see you again and what a great job you did too. Russ/ you boys gotta slow down a little (hehe) you're gonna put your eye out one day if a string breaks at that speed. Herby....Oh got into that last song and brother I just thought if the man gets into it any more than that he's gonna tear up a perfectly good seat Image. Talk about laying your heart across the strings.... man you got everyone's usual. And wasn't it a great pleasure watching and listening to Mr. Walter Haynes? Always the perfect gentleman. Gotta check his strings cause they sound like pure silk. I could go on and on but there just isn't enough room to name all the names and say all the good things. I'll let some others post. But the bottom line is...if you missed it you missed a doozy. Just before this weekend I was seriously thinking about just calling it quits on the steel for a while. What a shot in the arm. I'm still floating on clouds as I type and I am eager to learn more and share great times like these with great people. Oh one last thing. The BAND. WHAT A BAND!!!!!!Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought that a guy like me would ever have a band like that. But for my little shows...they were "my band", and they showed everyone how well they can take care of a player. Jim ain't right man Image. When you took your ride on Shennandoah I almost wet my pants. What a pleasure taking back a piece once Jim and the boys got it all spruced up for ya. Daddy Rabbit (Bryan Adams) what can I are the man brother,style and grace all over the place and a certified nut ta boot. See ya soon. See folks there I go again namin names. I'll shut up and let others post.

Ray Walker
Walker Seats


Thanks to all of you who purchased the Walker seat and thanks for all of your kind words. For the rest on questions and answers and colors and such...I will be in touch with each and every one of you with the next day or so

Posted: 13 Oct 2003 12:51 pm
by Roy Ayres
Laurie and I were able to spend most of the day Saturday at the show. It was one of the best I have attended so far.

I would like to say a big “Thanks” to Steve Leonard for inviting me to do a set on the show. And I want to thank my hero Mike Sweeney and his wife, Teresa, for letting Steve know I was there and putting in a good word with him for me. I was greatly honored to share the stage with such greats as Mike Sweeney, Walter Haynes, Herby Wallace, Brian Adams, Clyde Bloodworth, Steve Leonard and all of the other great steel guitar artists.

The band was something to brag about. Every one of them was a great musician. As I hadn’t come prepared to play, I did not have any of my number charts with me – but those guys backed me up on everything I threw at them like they had known me forever. I would have been a miserable failure without their support.

Before leaving I asked Steve if he would be doing it again next year, and he answered that it was a certainty. He also said he would give me a set next year if I wished. I told him the show was well worth the drive from Florida and that I definitely planned to attend next year and would be honored to play in the presence of such greats again.

And, incidentally, if you haven’t gotten a copy of Mike’s latest CD yet, stop what you are doing and order one right now. His rendition of the theme from “Exodus” is outstanding, and I have seldom heard a steel guitar solo as uniquely beautiful as his “Love In The Hot Afternoon.” I must have played it a dozen times in the car on my way back home.

Posted: 13 Oct 2003 1:29 pm
by Mike Sweeney
Thanks Roy, It was great seeing you and your lovely wife again. And man!! you played so good on your set. I really enjoyed the tunes you chose to play.
I know you'll knock 'em dead next year too!
I'm gonna send you some photos from the show in a day or two.


Posted: 13 Oct 2003 4:45 pm
by George Kimery
Steve and Harold, you did good! I am still in awe that you were able to pull together such a great backup band. They made the show! Not to take away from the great steel artists, but the band just really shined. Your choice of the Holiday Inn facility was excellent. Right on the Interstate with plenty of restaurants and alternative motels close by. One of the best venues I have been to for a steel show. I know you must have lost money on this first venture, but I do hope you can "save up" and have it again next year. Heck, I would be willing to pay more at the registration desk if it would insure that you continue with the show. I just can't say enough good things about this past weekend. Be proud of what you accomplished. With the reputation that this show has now, next years attendance should be up quite a bit. I know that everybody that was there this year will be back and tell others what they missed.

Posted: 13 Oct 2003 5:01 pm
by Jerry Fleming
I would also like to thank Steve and his dad Bryan, Mike and everyone that help promote and put this jam together. The only way to describe this weekend is first class all the way. The band was fantastic, great location, great food, and nicer folks you will not find. Did I mention some of the finest Steel players on the planet playing at their finest! It was great to see many of my lifelong friends and make some new. It was an honor for me to meet one of my idols Walter Haynes. He is a gentleman and plays beautifully. I love his work on the clasic "We Could" what a prince of a guy!

Folks if you love steel guitar as I do support every one of these events you can, you just don't know what great music and fun you are missing. Also help a starving muscian and buy a CD and tracks! You will be inspired and hopefully he or she will record another one for all of us to enjoy.

Thanks again Steve and Crew for a wonderful weekend.

Jerry Fleming

Posted: 13 Oct 2003 6:42 pm
by Bob Hayes
I've already posted my comments on another Thread..but I concure with everything said..again..Steve ..Old Buddy..Start planning again.....I'm there for whatever you want me to do...I can sweep floors TOO!!!!!!
Call Me 423 357 3506 !!!!!!!
Thanks also too you and Dad and I guess..the ladies...for those goodies!!!!!!!!!\

Posted: 13 Oct 2003 7:29 pm
by Bryan Adams
thanks to steve and his family for one on the best shows i've ever been's really to see old friends and meet new ones...GREAT band!!!! good to hang out with my old pal ben's been a while!! hope this can be a regular event...steve and co. sure does have my support..thankes again steve and family......BA

Posted: 13 Oct 2003 7:53 pm
by Mike Sweeney
B.A. and everybody else,

I talked to Steve's boss, I mean wife Kim today and she said they didn't go in the hole and that count on some weekend in October 2004.
He's still recouperating from all the fun this time.
And B.A. you sounded great as always. Let me know if you got your pictures.


Posted: 14 Oct 2003 5:09 am
by Ken Latchum
I want to thank Steve,his dad, and steve's family for putting on a great steelguitar show. The talent there was just awesome in every way. The facilities were great, location was super, It was organized, all types of food nearby. For those of you that missed this great event you are the looser. As it has been mentioned before, the back-up band was unbelievable as they played anything for anybody without a hitch. It was good to see everybody there and I also met some new friends that I previously had internet corrospondance with by name but didn't know their face. It was a great show and it should have been at least 1000 people there to enjoy this event. It just doesnt't get any better anywhere. Make your plans to attend Steve's next Tri-Cities Show. You won't be sorry.

Ken Latchum
President MASGA<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by Ken Latchum on 14 October 2003 at 08:38 AM.]</p></FONT><FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by Ken Latchum on 14 October 2003 at 08:41 AM.]</p></FONT>

Posted: 14 Oct 2003 5:54 am
by Randy Beavers
I too want to thank Steve and Howard for putting on a first class show. The facilities and location were great, along with the back-up band and list of players. The event made for a nice weekend getaway for Judy and I.

Posted: 14 Oct 2003 10:36 am
by Steve Leonard
I want to thank everybody that came to the show. It was great! I won't try and post everybody's name here but, if you were at the show or helped with it in any way, I thank you. We are already making plans for next years show. Image

Posted: 15 Oct 2003 8:05 am
by Tony Dingus
I want to thank Steve and his family also for putting this show on and asking me to play which was the first time for me and I was as nevous after I played but, I had a good time. I also want to thank Chuck and Clyde again. Looking forward to next year and hopefully to a new steel club being formed.

Posted: 15 Oct 2003 2:00 pm
by Herby Wallace
Well I need to add my two cents worth to this discussion. As I had mentioned a week or so ago, I have known Steve for quite a few years and I knew his show would be first class. The hotel was great, the food at the hotel was great and reasonable, only $7.95 for a buffet. Not to brag, but I am an expert in the dining department. Next and most important was the great backup band which as I always say makes all the difference for the players and the listeners. We are able to play tunes we want to play and the people who paid an addmission get to hear the songs they want to hear. Next Steve had a great lineup of players. Players like Randy Beavers, who buy the way plays some of the best chord voicings I have heard on steel guitar, Russ Hicks, Bryan Adams, Mike Sweeney, Walter Haynes who are all seasoned pros, helped to make this a first class professional show. Then there were players like Joe Sapp, Clyde Bloodworth, Jerry Fleming and many more who are also great players who don't have to take a back seat to anyone. These guys did an outstanding job too. Steve is planning on making this an annual event, so go ahead and put it on your calendar for next year. As far as I know it will be the second weekend in October.

Herby Wallace


Posted: 16 Oct 2003 8:19 pm
by Walter Haynes
Steve,thanks for having me on your show and what a line-up you had for the first one. The backup band was super. Hope to get invited next year for the second one. All your family was just great and the location was perfect. Congratulations!!!!!

Walter Haynes

Posted: 17 Oct 2003 9:17 am
by Steve Leonard
Walter, It was an honor to have you at our show. You don't need an invitation,you are part of the show. It was truly a pleasure to have you here and we look foward to next
year. Image

Posted: 21 Oct 2003 6:50 am
by Steve Leonard
Pictures from the show are posted on the show web site:


Posted: 21 Oct 2003 4:02 pm
by Mike Sweeney
I'm still thinking about it over a week later. WHAT A SHOW!!! If you missed it get to it next year.


Posted: 29 Oct 2003 7:50 pm
by Clark Bailey
As a new member on this forum I too would like to thank The Leonards for a super show in Bristol.They really make you feel welcome &i'm glad its gonna be an annual event.Was good meeting the pickers from this forum.Hope we can get a local steel club going. Clark

Posted: 30 Oct 2003 5:53 am
by Mike Sweeney
Hey Clark,

I'm counting the days untill next year. It was great and next year will be better. I believe Steve told me October 9-11, 2004. With the 9th being a seminar and a jam that night. It's a little early for details yet but I know it's going to be first class.
It's good to see another Va. boy on here. I'm originally from Montgomery county Va. Alumni of Christiansburg High School. Go HOKIES!!!!!!!

Mike Sweeney