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Author Topic:  Stringmaster inner shaft split compression ring?
Todd Weger

Safety Harbor, FLAUSA
Post  Posted 12 Aug 2010 6:58 am    
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I had a wonky leg that wouldn't hold and took the brass ring out (looks like the one in the pic), and cut a slice in it with a hack saw. This created a tighter compression when I tighten it.

Then, I had a different leg with issues, and swapped a mylar (or some such material) out of a desktop stand, and now it tightens perfectly. It looks more like this one:

Anyone know where I can find more of these like the black one above? I found this kit on Atlas' website, but they want FORTY DOLLARS for it!!! Huh!??

If not, these 5/8" brass ones look like a plumbing part, and I can probably pick those up for .25 cents each at Home Depot and cut the slots myself.

Todd James Weger --
1956 Fender Stringmaster T-8 (C6, E13, A6); 1960 Fender Stringmaster D-8 (C6, B11/A6); Custom-made 25" aluminum cast "fry pan" with vintage Ricky p'up (C6); 1938 Epiphone Electar (A6); 1953 Oahu Tonemaster; assorted ukuleles; upright bass
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Mike Neer

Post  Posted 12 Aug 2010 7:22 am    
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Don Burrows makes them. Send him an email through his website:
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