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George Rout

Posted: 25 Jul 2010 12:50 pm
by Stewart Campbell
Today I heard on radio a recording of George playing live the Hank Williams song "May you never be alone like me" ( A major tunning I think ? ) and boy did it blow my mind, great to hear those old time sounds with tasteful harmonics used through out. Can anyone tell me if George!s performances are available on C.D ? thanks.

Stewart Campbell.
ZB S10 Springfield S 10 3 home brew lap steels.

Posted: 26 Jul 2010 7:18 am
by George Keoki Lake
George and I have "known" each other for many years although we have never met. He'll hate me when he reads this, but I think he's one helluva guy ! Generous to a fault. Our friendship over the years has become very close. If either of us showed up at the other's doorstep unannounced, it would be immediate recognition. As for that CD question, George probably has that on CD. And yes, he is one of the few who still uses the old A Major tuning, and why not ? It's not the tuning, it's how you play which is important. :D

Posted: 27 Jul 2010 1:37 pm
by Stewart Campbell
Hi George Thanks for the reply and, of course the update on Mr.Rout. I began learning non pedal when I retired a few years ago and use c6th. tunning playing at senior citizens events mostly, but hearing George Rs. playing seems to want me try A major for a challenge , once again thanks and all the best to you & yours. Stewart campbell.

ZB S10 Springfield S10 3 home brew lap steels.

Posted: 28 Jul 2010 7:29 am
by Bryan Bradfield
George Rout's CD is available -

Posted: 30 Jul 2010 3:54 pm
by George Rout
Hello Stewart and also Keoki Lake and Bryan. Thank you Stewart for your kind words on the "live" cut from the Milton Fairgrounds in Milton, ON a few years ago. Thank you Keoki Lake and Bryan for your comments and link.

I wasn't aware of the posting and I just recived a call from the kindest lady who plays steel guitar in Missouri, Del Bonn. Del thinks I've got it all together in the A Major tuning!!!

Stewart, it is very pleasing to hear some kind comments on the old A Major tuning. I took Hawaiian guitar lessons in 1948 in that tuning and later in E7th. While I struggle today with other tunings, it seems that nice comments still come from the haunting (and that's the word that describes it) sound of the old tuning. Lots of slants, slides and hand vibrato.

Stewart, please send an email to me and I'll respond regarding the tune recording. Thanks again, I appreciated your comments very much.
