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Author Topic:  It says "Download Audacity for free", so why isn't
George Kimery


Limestone, TN, USA
Post  Posted 4 Sep 2010 7:32 pm    
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Doing a Google search, I found several sites that says download Audacity for free, but when I go to Audacity, after they ask for some basic information about me, the next thing they want is for me to sign up for a plan, either monthly or yearly and charge me a fee payable by credit card. How do I get the free version?

I need some software to edit and maybe do some EQ-ing on my Zoom H2 MP3 files before burning to a CD. Any other things besides Audacity that will do the trick and are user friendly. I am using an iMac vs. 10.4.11.

Thanks for any suggestions or help with getting the free version of Audacity.
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Andy Sandoval

Bakersfield, California, USA
Post  Posted 4 Sep 2010 7:43 pm    
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Hi George, check your email.
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Mitch Drumm


Frostbite Falls, hard by Veronica Lake
Post  Posted 4 Sep 2010 8:24 pm    
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Did you download it from the right source or not?

Here is where you should try:

That is the Mac version.

Don't get version 1.2.

There are sites that will try to get you to pay to look at the blue sky. Gotta watch it and make sure you have the correct source on software.
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Will Houston


Tempe, Az
Post  Posted 5 Sep 2010 10:32 am    
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Hey Mitch, my next post was going to be which version to get. Why not 1.2? What is the difference?
I guess I will just take your word for it and try the other version.
Thank you
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Mitch Drumm


Frostbite Falls, hard by Veronica Lake
Post  Posted 5 Sep 2010 11:23 am    
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1.2 is quite old and lacks many refinements and improvements that are found in 1.3.12. I have been using 1.3.12 for over 6 months without incident.

Here is the Audacity forum if you need it.

Note the various sections--post in the right forum if you need help. The Audacity forum is excellent.

The many FAQs is the best place to start, but use the forum if you are still derailed.
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George Kimery


Limestone, TN, USA
Post  Posted 9 Sep 2010 5:05 am     It says "download Audicity for free", so why isn't
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Andy, thanks for e-mailing me the download. I was able to download it, but I can't open it. I get a message that says I don't have the priveliges, whatever that means.

I can't download because of my dial up connection (high speed is not available in my area) and problems with AOL staying on very long. It is a 17mb file, so it would take a few hours for me to download. I am lucky if AOL stays on 30 minutes, an issue that they have never been able to resolve.

I have a friend that is on high speed. He is going to download 1.3.12 and burn me a disc, then I should be all set. According to the Audicity site, this version will work on my Mac OS X 10.4.11.

One last question, I read the text and it said something about just because you can download it for free, doesn't mean it is free. It said free meant that I will be able to use it for free, once I pay them money, monthly, I think. So what's the deal? Are you guys paying for it on a monthly basis or is it indeed free?
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Andy Sandoval

Bakersfield, California, USA
Post  Posted 9 Sep 2010 8:41 am    
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I've never heard that one George. It's free and always has been as far as I know.
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Mitch Drumm


Frostbite Falls, hard by Veronica Lake
Post  Posted 9 Sep 2010 1:35 pm     Re: It says "download Audicity for free", so why i
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George Kimery wrote:
One last question, I read the text and it said something about just because you can download it for free, doesn't mean it is free. It said free meant that I will be able to use it for free, once I pay them money, monthly, I think. So what's the deal? Are you guys paying for it on a monthly basis or is it indeed free?

It is free, period. Full stop.

You say "It said free meant that I will be able to use it for free, once I pay them money, monthly, I think."

If you read that, you are NOT getting it from the right source.

Please provide a link to the site saying it will cost money.

Get it here, from Audacity's own site:

where you will see this text:

Recommended Download

*OS X 10.4 or later (Universal Binary): Audacity 1.3.12 (.dmg file, 17.1 MB, including help files)

Poke the blue "Audacity 1.3.12" and save the file to your hard drive.

The file, when downloaded, has this name:


and is 17.0 MB (17,898,659 bytes)

If your friend downloads it from some other site, who knows what kind of bogus crap you will be getting.
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George Kimery


Limestone, TN, USA
Post  Posted 9 Sep 2010 5:25 pm     It says download Audacity for free, so why isn't it free?
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I do have the right sight, Audacity and I do have the blue link for vs. 1.3.12 for my Mac. Like I said, I just cannot download it because the file is too large and it will take my dial up connection hours to download and my AOL connection comes an goes. I am lucky it it stays on for 30 minutes. High speed is not available where I live. The phone company keeps saying they are working on it, but they have been saying that for 2 years now.

If it doesn't work after I get my buddy to burn me a disc, I will take my computer to his house and plug into high speed and have a go at it in that direction.

Thanks for answering my question about free vs.a monthly charge.
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