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Author Topic:  Thank You Danny B!
Mark Carlisle

Springville CA
Post  Posted 4 Jul 2010 10:32 am    
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I just wanted to take the opportunity to express my sincere thanks to fellow forum member and super player Dan Bates of Fresno, CA.
Like so many folks these days, I have been presented with some extreme challenges, mostly having to do with my wife's two back surgeries. During this tough time, in order to keep our boat afloat I had no choice but to let my steel rig go. Even though I was gigging four nights a week and doing everything else I could do i.e. teach guitar, etc, I had to raise some dough.
In a tribute to the postitve aspects of this wonderful forum, I was able to connect with Dan, who it turned out lives about 10 houses away. Dan was super kind enough to loan me his Stage One so I could keep what little steel chops I have. Also, I have really enjoyed making music with Dan, he is a super player and excellent musician.
Thanks again for your kindness,Dan,and here is just one more example of what the SGF can mean in a picker's life. Happy 4th to all!
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Danny Bates


Fresno, CA. USA
Post  Posted 4 Jul 2010 11:00 am    
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It's very humbling to read this Mark. You are a great guy and a fantastic picker. Times get tough for all of us once in a while and I'm always there for a fellow picker. So keep a "stiff upper lip" (whatever that means) Smile

Please come over more often and show me some more of those great jazz licks ! Cool

Your Buddy,
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