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Johnny Cash....gone

Posted: 12 Sep 2003 2:01 am
by Bruce Wutzke
It was just on the radio, Johnny died at age 71. Also another, John Ritter of "Three's Company" fame.

Posted: 12 Sep 2003 2:41 am
by Andy Volk
Sad news. He was an icon of American music. When Cash sang, you heard truth.

Posted: 12 Sep 2003 3:53 am
by Gene Jones
I wrote this about Johnny Cash a long time ago. On this sad occasion I would like to post it one last time.......

Our oldest daughter has been profoundly mentally retarded since she was an infant, and institutionalized since the age of nine, so I guess that's why I remember this incident as if it happened yesterday. About 1961, my wife and I were at an amusement park where JOHNNY CASH and his band were performing on an outdoor stage with a large crowd of fans gathered around in front of the stage. We noticed a little girl about eight years old, who was obviously afflicted by Down's Syndrome, who kept trying unsuccessfully to get up close enough to see the show. The crowd had not noticed that they were pushing her back, but CASH did. He stopped singing right in the middle of a phrase, stopped the band, and asked for someone to bring the little girl to the stage. He then sat down on the floor with her on his lap, and did a song just for her while her little upturned face beamed like the sun. I don't know Johnny Cash, and have never even met him, but in the years since that incident happened I have never seen or heard his name mentioned anywhere without remembering what he did for that little girl and thinking what a kind, gentle and compassionate person he must be.

Posted: 12 Sep 2003 4:18 am
by John P. Phillips
A very moving story Gene, about a great man, everytime I read it, I have to wipe the tears from my eyes. We're gonna miss ya "BIG JOHN", but you left those golden tones, recorded for us to enjoy and remember. RIP, MAN IN BLACK !!! Image Image Image


<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by John P.Phillips on 12 September 2003 at 05:19 AM.]</p></FONT><FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by John P.Phillips on 12 September 2003 at 05:20 AM.]</p></FONT>

Posted: 12 Sep 2003 5:01 am
by Paul Graupp
Thank you, Gene for putting a spotlight on his real character. I found it poiniant that they both died on the 12th of the month.
Now he'll really be singing in that choir he told us about......

Regards, Paul

Posted: 12 Sep 2003 5:57 am
by Ron Page
God bless this man who gave us all so much pleasure through his music and entertainment. One of country music's greatest duos is now reunited for the hereafter.

I'm dressed all in black today to both mourn his passing and to honor his life.


Posted: 12 Sep 2003 7:48 am
by David Reeves
I am of no importance or fame.
Yet I am deeply saddened to learn of the passing of Mr. Cash.
My sympathies are extended to his family, close friends, and all who have loved him.
God Bless

Posted: 12 Sep 2003 8:00 am
by Brian Davis
A sad day indeed. One of the truly great artists of our time and a wonderful man.

Posted: 12 Sep 2003 8:07 am
by Al Marcus
A sad day, another Legend

My Website.....

<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by Al Marcus on 12 September 2003 at 09:08 AM.]</p></FONT>

Posted: 12 Sep 2003 8:47 am
by JB Arnold
Before I knew who the Beatles were, I knew about Johnny Cash. He's just about my earliest musical memory.

The legend will live on.



Fulawka D-10 9&5
Fessenden D-10 8&8
"All in all, looking back, I'd have to say the best advice anyone ever gave me was 'Hands Up, Don't Move!"

Posted: 12 Sep 2003 10:08 am
by jim milewski
I'm curious, are the flags half staff in Nashville, he was a legend

Posted: 12 Sep 2003 12:16 pm
by Rich Weiss
And John Ritter was the son of Tex Ritter.

Posted: 12 Sep 2003 12:20 pm
by Larry Robbins
Beatiful post.Thanks for shareing such a privete thought with us.Shows another side of a wonderfull entertainer that gave us all so much pleasure.

Posted: 12 Sep 2003 12:52 pm
by Michael Garnett
God Bless You, Johnny. Finally the pain is over. You've got one helluva band up there now, and I thought I could hear them tuning up through all the thunder last night. Old Hoss on bass, Paycheck on Steel, and Johnny and Hank singing.

"Jesus, I don't want to die alone...
Jesus, if you hear my last breath,
Don't leave me here, left to die a lonely death."

Posted: 12 Sep 2003 1:37 pm
by Paul Graupp
I should apologize for my earlier comment about both Johnny and June dying on the 12th.
I heard that on one of the news networks but in going back and rereading those threads, I found out differently. I regret the mistake !

Regards, Paul

Posted: 12 Sep 2003 2:08 pm
by Colm Chomicky
Who's gonna fill his shoes?

"You know this old world is full of singers,
But just a few are choosen
To tear your heart out when they sing.
Imagine life without them,
all your, radio heros,like the outlaw that walks through Jesse's dream.

No, There will never be another.
red-headed stranger,
a man in black and folsom prison blues.
The Okie from Muskogee,or hello darling.
Lord I wonder, Who's gonna fill their shoes?
Who's gonna fill their shoes
Who's gonna stand that tall?
Who's gonna play the Opry?
And the Wallbash Cannonball?"

Posted: 12 Sep 2003 3:38 pm
by Jack Francis
RIP, Johnny Cash.
The first record I ever bought was a 45, "Get rhythm". Played that song over and over until my dad made me turn it off. What a impact he had on that young fella.<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by Jack Francis on 12 September 2003 at 04:39 PM.]</p></FONT>

Posted: 12 Sep 2003 5:05 pm
by Damir Besic
what a voice and what a carismatic person that man was.Who`s gonna fill their shoes?don`t make me laugh guys ,Tim Mcgraw or Billy Gillman? God,if it wasn`t sad I would be laughin my a$$ of.We should enjoy those few years we have left with the ole Hag and Jones and Willie ,they wont live forever either.RIP Johnny and keep on singing wherever you are.


Posted: 12 Sep 2003 5:35 pm
by Tony Davis
One time when Johnny Cash was here,a buddy of mine made a set of boomerangs....each one smaller than the prievious....and in a presentation case. Through the local CMA he got to meet Johnny and present them to him......this was a thrill for Mick.
Couple of years later when Johnny came back...he spotted Mick in the crowd that greeted him at the he pushed through and shook Micks hand...said Ï've still got those boomerangs on the wall of my den....and I still remember your nameços you are the only Mickey Finn that I know!"
Micks gone some years now....but who knows....maybe Johnny might spot him somewhere else now.

Posted: 14 Sep 2003 1:00 am
by Graham Griffith
In an ironic twist a group of musicians including myself were taking to the stage here in Sydney for a Johnny Cash Tribute Night when we got the news that Johnny had just died.

As a steel player I'd never been entranced by his music but that all changed when studying his repertoire for the purposes of the tribute.

A sad coincidence but a celebrated life leaving a great legacy.

RIP John.


Posted: 14 Sep 2003 4:56 am
by Paul King
The loss of Johnny Cash will be remembered for years to come. He certainly was a legend in country music and his awards in country and in other styles showcases the talent that he was. I feel like the loss of June Carter Cash really took a lot out of him. They were able to be married and work together, something that is hard to do in marriage. I sure will miss him and sure wish the family condolences during this time of grief they are going through. On another note, the loss of John Ritter was devastating to me as well. He was the son of a legend as well, Tex Ritter. A great actor and family man as well. Three's Company brought a lot of laughts. A lot of people watched the show for the girls but John made the show. May both of these men rest in peace. They both will be missed greatly....Paul King