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Jerry Douglas's new Lollar/Supro steel & new "galle

Posted: 5 Jun 2010 7:11 pm
by Jason Dumont
Hi everybody, I thought some might like to see a new steel I recently made for Jerry Douglas. He really likes it. He says it's his favorite of the four of mine he has. It has one of those Lollar Supro pick ups in there. They sound fantastic! And yes, he asked for the transparent purple..
Here she is at the Palace Theater in NY
I just had a "gallery" page up put up on my site to show some of the one offs I've made. Not all are steels I'm afraid but don't hold it against me :wink:
Stop by and look around if you get a chance. Here is a couple pics of one that is on the page:
Well I hope you guys like the pics :)

Posted: 5 Jun 2010 8:24 pm
by Peter Lindelauf
Especially liked the second lap steel--with the cowboy purfling--in the gallery. Beautiful work.

Posted: 5 Jun 2010 8:43 pm
by Mike Neer
Those are some really hot looking steels right there. I dig the one with the CCs--very sexy!

Posted: 6 Jun 2010 7:25 am
by Laurence Pangaro
Hi Jason,

Your steels are always so beautiful. I hope some day to be able to admire one not from afar. The purple is fantastic!


Posted: 6 Jun 2010 7:29 am
by Mike D
Beautiful Jason!
I really dig the new Supro re-pops too. I put one in a WoodPan not too long ago and plan on building myself a bottleneck guitar with one once I run out of customer projects.

Posted: 6 Jun 2010 8:07 am
by Jason Dumont
Thanks so much fellas!
Mike N. I love that one too, it was tough to see that one go ;-) The thing about Charlies is that they are a lot like divorces, they're expensive as hell but ssooo WORTH It. (just joking honey--those are just jokes...just jokes baby..)
Mike D. It must have sounded great in the wood pan!I'm with you, I'd LOVE to have a really nice "Coodercaster" There is none better for bottleneck in my opinion.
I'm so glad you guys checked out the gallery! Thanks :)

Posted: 6 Jun 2010 8:34 am
by Tom Pettingill
Fantastic as always Jason!

Re: Jerry Douglas's new Lollar/Supro steel & new "g

Posted: 6 Jun 2010 8:40 am
by John Groover McDuffie
Jason Dumont wrote: He really likes it.
Well DUH! :mrgreen:

Seriously beautiful.

Posted: 6 Jun 2010 9:22 am
by Steve Cunningham
Those are GORGEOUS Jason!

Posted: 6 Jun 2010 9:49 am
by Peter Jacobs
Beautiful work as always, Jason -- I dig that purple! The 2-pup steel is another beauty.

Any thoughts about how the Lollar/Supro sounds in different wood bodies?

Posted: 6 Jun 2010 11:54 am
by CrowBear Schmitt
that 2nd model found it's home in France w: Guillaume Leriche
Jason, you do make some outstanding steels :D

Posted: 6 Jun 2010 12:03 pm
by Doug Beaumier
Wow! Beautiful! 8)

Posted: 6 Jun 2010 5:28 pm
by Bill Creller
Super looking instruments! :D

Posted: 6 Jun 2010 5:54 pm
by George Manno

Your work gets better with each instrument you build.


Posted: 6 Jun 2010 6:12 pm
by Mark Eaton

I see a strap button on the tail of the guitar, but I can't tell from the photos - did you set up this guitar for Jerry with the support arm/hip rest attachment for standup playing?

The guitar is a beauty in purple, it will go nicely with Jerry's purple Scheerhorn resonator that he used on stage for a number of years.

Posted: 7 Jun 2010 7:04 am
by David Mason
How do I get your gallery to change pictures?

Posted: 7 Jun 2010 11:36 am
by Jason Dumont
Hi Guys!
Peter: I've only used the Supro pick up twice and the first one was about a year ago (I think) so I couldn't do an accurate comparison. I do recall in both cases the sustain and mid range was fantastic.

Mark: She does indeed have a support arm on her. I hope she sees a lot of stages :)

David, if you click on the little thumbnails on the bottom it should change the pic. You can also hit the little + sign to the right of the thumbnails and that will go to the next one. I just checked and it seemed to be working ok.

Thanks for all the comments guys, really, really appreciate them :D

kudos from GeorgeBoards

Posted: 7 Jun 2010 2:19 pm
by George Piburn
I have Loved everything you have ever made !!

The Bridge Unit you have developed is a Trademark in and of it's self.

You deserve all of the accolades. 8)

MR.Boards :D

Posted: 9 Jun 2010 1:35 pm
by Fred Kinbom
Yes, beautiful indeed! And they sound as good as they look! :)

I am now full of anticipation to play Jason's latest creation (currently the last picture in the gallery):


8) 8) 8)
