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Author Topic:  Help with George Strait-One Step At A Time
Randy Waldo

Memphis,TN, USA
Post  Posted 21 Jun 2010 7:52 am    
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I know there was a post some time back requesting the intro to this tune. But I am trying to figure out the passing chords Paul is playing in the second chorus. It's between the phrases "you'll think it happened overnight" and "it'll be too late...". I have studied this and worked on it for hours on end. I have finally decided that chord change is not on my guitar. I think GFI left it off when they built my guitar. LOL Seriously, I sat for 2 hours the other night trial and error trying to find it and another 2 hours this morning. I'm not sure if this is where having a Franklin Pedal comes in handy, a vertical knee, or what. I just cannot find it. I'm trying to figure out how to upload an mp3 of just that chorus I edited down. I guess I can email it if need be. Thanks in advance.

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