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Butch Pytko


Orlando, Florida, USA
Post  Posted 1 Jun 2010 8:13 am    
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Last nite I'd been playing thru my Session 400 for over an hour, when the amp seemed to go out of phase to a flat, tinny sound. At one point, I heard a sort of swirling type sound(it's hard to describe). I checked all connections & the reverb. When I tried it again it seemed normal. Also, everytime I turn the amp on--it crackles for a few seconds & doesn't do it anymore. Every now & then I hear a low pop & I was thinking that it was the circuit in my house--but, now I'm not so sure. I just tried it & it sounds normal--I'm just going to leave it on & try it thru the day to see if it acts up again.

I like to read Ken Fox's threads concerning amp repair, & I've noticed that he prefers to clean various internal pots, etc. Since it's 31 years old now, I'm feeling it needs a thorough electronics cleaning.

Can you Peavey guru's out there give me some comments?
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Larry Bressington


Post  Posted 3 Jun 2010 1:34 pm    
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I have found many a dry joint in these, i take the chassis out and tap around gently with the screwdriver handle, just gently now, and seek out possible 'dry solder' joints.

The most common problem i ever found in the peavey line was the reverb unit, and the connection where it hooks into the amp. Unplug it for a night and see how it does before removing the chassis.
Becareful if you are not exsperienced with electrical and it's electronic circuits.

Inspect the PCB with a magnifying glass.
A.K.A Chappy.
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Butch Pytko


Orlando, Florida, USA
Post  Posted 3 Jun 2010 2:22 pm    
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Thanks for your comments. Unplugging the reverb sounds easy enough. Looking inside for bad solder joints--I don't know. I'm just about terrified to mess around with internal stuff, but as you say, I'll make sure I'm real careful.

If it looks too much for me, I'll take it to a local amp repair place.
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