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Author Topic:  Dale Watson's "One more Once More" CD review
Ricky Davis

Bertram, Texas USA
Post  Posted 26 Jul 2003 12:14 pm    
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Well this is one of the coolest reviews Dale has had and it's for his latest CD that he is touring right now.
It was my last stint with Dale and was my finest hour and the debut of the "Blue Darlin" Fulawka.
Just thought I would give you heads up as this project is only avaliable in Europe; but I think you might could get it on his website.
Here's the Review>
It is Dale Watson in his Swave style of singing Sinatra style as we did cut two Frank Sinatra songs>"I left her in ole Monterrey" and "Dance all Night"...and Dale wrote the Dale and I have always been a fan of Swing...and we arranged these songs in our western swing/big band/pop classic style.....Hope you enjoy.
There are 4 whole song samples in the "Music and Video" section at ....but my webstie seems to be down at the moment...ha...but maybe it's being worked on..and will be up shortly if not already.
Have fun.

Ricky Davis

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Chris Forbes


Beltsville, MD, USA
Post  Posted 27 Jul 2003 2:17 am    
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I'd like to throw in my 2 cents here. I heard the album over at Ty Braddock's house last week. When it finished I made him start it again so I could hear the whole thing twice. It's a humdinger to say the least. I was under the impression from Ricky that he was sort of new to the C6 neck. Hmmmmmm, it doesn't sound that way to me. It's about the freshest, coolest sounding album I've heard in a looooooooong time.
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Post  Posted 29 Jul 2003 10:31 am    
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Yes, this is not a good CD, it's a GREAT CD. The breadth of musical styles that Dale and Ricky can handle is amazing. It's enjoyable from beginning to end and you will be doing yourself a big favor to get a copy. And, of course, you get to hear that great Fulawka.

Fred Shannon

Rocking "S" Ranch, Comancheria, Texas, R.I.P.
Post  Posted 30 Jul 2003 4:26 am    
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You Western/Texas Swing folks want to hear the best, tune in on this one...I d'loaded all "5" songs from Ricky's site and I can tell you, there has been "no better." The job they do on an old Sinatra song, "Old Monterrey" is just fantabulous, if there is such a word. The "San Antone" song is really where it's at. Super steel work on all 5 songs.

While you're on Ricky's site, take the time to d'load the songs provided by the Linda Lay section....Proves that we Texans are super proud of Davis. We're convinced he could play a two by four stick rigged up with "bob wire". (That's Texan talk for barbed wire!!)

You did it again Slick.

When U gittin' the cd in, guy, so's we can purchase it?


The spirit be with you!
If it aint got a steel, it aint real

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Ricky Davis

Bertram, Texas USA
Post  Posted 30 Jul 2003 10:28 am    
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Wow thanks guys for the kind words...that means alot and it is also special to me as this was Me and Dale's last project together as we arranged all these songs ourselves.
Fred your too kind pal.....and I'm glad you dig the stuff man.....and the only place the CD is avaliable right now is on Dale's website in the Truckstop Mall, right here>
Have fun.

[This message was edited by Ricky Davis on 30 July 2003 at 11:29 AM.]

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