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John Groover McDuffie

LA California, USA
Post  Posted 23 May 2010 6:31 pm    
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I finally finished restoring a SF Twin/Pro cabinet with a baffle for a single 15". I originally planned on putting my Dual Showman Reverb head in it, with a 4 ohm EVM15L that I have been using in an extension cab. However I had a gig with a really loud band a couple of weeks ago and needed a loud amp with some edge, so I put the Showman chassis in the Pro cab with 2 12" Fender/Eminence speakers.

So I put the Pro Reverb chassis in the 1x15 combo with the EV and used it on my gig today. I weighed both chassis last week when I was swapping things around, and the SFDS/Twin chassis weighs 5 lbs more than the Pro chassis. I was surprised to find that the Pro with the EV15 weighs the same as the Dual Showman (Twin) with the 2x12s. (both weighed 70.5 lbs.) That means that 1 15" EVM weighs 5 lbs more than 2 12" Fender/Eminence speakers combined - 1st surprise.

Second surprise I was stunned by the tonal difference. I usually run my treble on Fender amps around 4 with bright on for PSG and 5-6 for EGT with bright off, but today I had to crank the treble to 7 for the steel and 8 for the Tele even with the bright on. I was expecting a somewhat fuller sound but not nearly this much difference in treble response. The tone is very good, really full, I am just not used to running my tone controls like that.

I may switch the Pro back to the 2-12 cab, and put the DS in the 1x15, but then I will really need to go to a neo type speaker to make the weight manageable. But it is nice to have options.
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James Morehead

Prague, Oklahoma, USA - R.I.P.
Post  Posted 24 May 2010 7:52 pm    
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I've got an EV SRO 15 in an extension cab. Great tone and those EV's can sure take some serious punishment. I keep the SRO around for that occasional LOUD gig. Laughing
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