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Texas Hill Country Steelers

Posted: 6 Jul 2003 7:33 am
by Sonny Jenkins
I wonder how many Austin-San Antonio area steelers would be interested in supporting a local club/association? Maybe at a central location between S.A and Austin? New Braunfels is currently promoting a Country Music Museum (?) with a nice big building (just down from Gruene Hall) that might be willing to provide a location to meet and play. Just thought I would throw this out and see if any interest from area steelers.

Posted: 6 Jul 2003 8:36 am
by Ricky Davis
Sonny it's a great idea pal. Herb and I have talked about this before....and if someone would just grandfather the deal(like yourself)as with Mine and Herb's schedules; it becomes difficult to further a deal like this...but if you have time> Count me IN.

Posted: 6 Jul 2003 9:45 am
by Sonny Jenkins
Thanks Ricky,,,,I talked to Roger Edgington a while back and he was all for it too. If you would please talk to the guys in your area and let's see if a central location would be better or ????. You know there are some GREAT players in our area and we need to show off a little (or a lot) and promote PSG as much as possible. You know, we had a little association here for a while in the late '80s,,,Charlie Norris, Jr.Knight and Gary Hogue came down and helped us get it started. I was Pres and Francis Yakes (Dr. Wayne's mother was secretary) but we could only pull a few guys from San Antonio,,,none from Austin. Yes I'm basically retired and would be willing to do what I could to help and to promote PSG. Let's see if we can generate some interest!<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by Sonny Jenkins on 06 July 2003 at 10:46 AM.]</p></FONT>

Posted: 6 Jul 2003 3:59 pm
by Dave Potter
Sounds like a good idea to me.

I'm in Bulverde.<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by Dave Potter on 06 July 2003 at 05:22 PM.]</p></FONT>

Posted: 7 Jul 2003 7:18 am
by Roger Edgington
Sonny, I got a lot of enjoyment out of the New Braunfels association in the 80s. Gruene would be a great place to meet. Count me in. Roger

Posted: 7 Jul 2003 10:00 am
by Nathan Delacretaz
Hi Sonny - I'm in south Austin and would love to get involved with something like this - although I could probably only attend a precious few times a year. 'Course at my level, I may just be the kid running the concession stand!

Posted: 8 Jul 2003 10:03 am
by Sonny Jenkins
Nathan,,,,The good thing about something like this is, it's for ALL levels of players.

Ricky,,,,If you would check around and see how much interest/support there would be from your area and,,,

Roger,,,,if you would check around and see how much interest there would be from S.A. and,,,

I'll check around and see about a location.

Posted: 8 Jul 2003 10:35 am
by Ricky Davis
Sonny I'll check around; but I don't have the access to the many many steel players they're are in this I rarely go out to the venues; unless I'm playing..ha.
I know several....But I think if Shann S. would plop in here> he knows alot of fellas' and gets out to see them more than myself...
Also what does this intel; as far as meetings; jams; events; promotion...or what do I tell the folks that this is/going to be???

Posted: 8 Jul 2003 10:44 am
by Shaan Shirazi
Here I am!

I'll put the word out to the younger guys and I, of course will be willing to participate. Hell, I'll even play bass in the backing band.


The Pickin' Paniolo

Posted: 8 Jul 2003 2:25 pm
I would be interested. I'm in Hamilton, about an hour and a half north of Austin.

Posted: 8 Jul 2003 3:22 pm
by Roger Edgington
Sonny, I'll see what I can stir up in San Antonio. As you know ,there are many steelers here on all levels.

Posted: 9 Jul 2003 12:16 pm
by Johnny Stout
Sonny, great idea, count me in! Let me know if there is any way I can help.

Johnny Stout

Posted: 9 Jul 2003 8:37 pm
by Steve England
Wonderful idea. I'd certainly be up for it. There are a lot of steelers in the area, and it seems like there are more everyday. I'd certainly be up for the drive to Gruene, or San Marcos, or South Austin Image With the existence of the forum it should now be a lot easier to attract steelers from the area than it was in the late eighties. I know an awful lot of them read the forum even if, like me, they don't post much anymore

Posted: 10 Jul 2003 5:42 am
by Shaan Shirazi
Ricky and I talked a little about this last night, I think Gruene Hall is pretty much booked early and late on the weekends. I suggest Saengerhalle in New Braunfels or the Chaparral Lounge in S. Austin.

The Pickin' Paniolo

Posted: 10 Jul 2003 8:54 am
by Tony LaCroix
This deep-south Austinite would sure like to pick the brains of some of you cats Image

Posted: 10 Jul 2003 10:20 am
by Sonny Jenkins
Shaan, I wasn't referring to Gruene Hall,,,there is a new Art and Music Museum about a half a block from Gruene Hall that "may" be willing to support something like this. It's a real nice facility that host some music events, but I've not approached them about it until I find out if there is enough supportive interest.

Ricky, I think the purpose/goal of something like this is to "promote and further interest in PSG", however and whatever it takes,,,which would benefit all of us.

I'm kinda busy for the next few days but keep the responses and ideas coming and I'll check on some potential locations.<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by Sonny Jenkins on 10 July 2003 at 11:20 AM.]</p></FONT>

Posted: 19 Jul 2003 10:01 am
by Sonny Jenkins
I talked to the director of the Museum of Art and Music and he is VERY interested in supporting something like this. Thier purpose is to promote Texas music and ours is to promote PSG sooooo,,,. Maybe Bud Harger could chime in here and tell us what he thinks of the facilities,,,his bunch played there a few weeks ago. I need to hear from some other people to see how much participation we can expect. Co'mon pickers and pickerettes.

Posted: 20 Jul 2003 11:41 am
by Sonny Jenkins
IS this how much participation we can expect????????????

Posted: 20 Jul 2003 12:42 pm
by Mike Vasquez
Count me in.

Posted: 20 Jul 2003 1:13 pm
by Steve England
Sonny, count me in as well, I still think it is an excellent idea. I am aware of the museums existence, but so far I have not seen it.

Hello Mike ...long time no see!!! I was wondering where you'd got to

Posted: 21 Jul 2003 5:36 am
by Shaan Shirazi
Count on me too

The Pickin' Paniolo

Posted: 21 Jul 2003 8:59 am
by Michael Garnett
I'd be willing to make the drive over there. It's not too far from College Station to New Braunfels (less than 150 miles, 1.5 hours), especially if I can come and get free advice! Keep us posted!

Posted: 21 Jul 2003 10:17 am
by Roger Edgington
I'll be glad to participate.