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Author Topic:  Jackson Blackjack Pedal/lever Adjustments?
Mike Greenberg


Nashville, TN
Post  Posted 9 May 2010 4:38 am    
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Does anyone have experience working on Jackson steels? If so, I hope you can help. I think the problem I'm having is pretty basic.

In short, my 6th string raise (my guitar is standard emmons)will not bring the G# to A and maintain the string's tuning. I've "maxed out" all of my adjustments at this point (pedal travel at maximum, and pull rod in bottom of bell crank) and it just barely stays in tune, but I think there must be something I'm missing. There is a G# -> F# lower on the string as well and that seems to be fine.

If anyone has worked on these guitars and has any suggestions, I would very much appreciate it.

Thanks so much

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Mike Greenberg


Nashville, TN
Post  Posted 9 May 2010 4:39 am    
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One more thing. I have tried the guitar with both a .020 plain string and a .022 wound string and the problem persists.
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Chris Dorch

Wisconsin, USA
Post  Posted 9 May 2010 11:33 am    
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I have nothing truly useful to offer, but could it be the tuning machine that's slipping?

Other than that tiny tidbit of worthlessness, I am about as useful as a poopy-flavored popsicle.

Good luck. Hope you figure it out soon. Breaks my heart to hear a Jackson is under the weather.
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Carson Leighton

N.B. Canada
Post  Posted 9 May 2010 12:23 pm    
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Mike,,without seeing the guitar,,this is kind of hard to diagnose..Here are a few factors to keep in mind while trying to find the problem..(1) is friction,,(is something binding),,(2)is tension,,(if the string won't come up to pitch,then you are losing the tension on the string,is something slipping) (3) is the pulling distance or travel) you must have enough travel distance in the mechanism to bring the string up to pitch,,if the pedal travel is set to the limit,,then the changer fingers don't have a enough travel distance...If the guitar has a tuneable split on that string, and the split is adusted wrong,,this will cause your problem too..Here is how a tuneable split is tuned on some steels with an all-pull changer...(1) tune the open string with the tuning peg or key) (2)tune the raise with the appropriate tuning nut) (3) engage both the raise and lower at the same time and tune the resultant note with the tuning nut that LOWERS the string) (4) tune the lowered note alone with the respective RAISE tuning nut...Hope some of this helps...Carson
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