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Author Topic:  E9th Scale Patterns on Two Strings
robert kramer


Nashville TN
Post  Posted 8 Apr 2010 4:52 am    
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Here are some E-9th Scale Patterns played on just two strings with no pedals – no knee levers.

We can locate three whole step intervals within the E9th tuning at strings 7-6, strings 8-7 and strings 9-8. We can use the whole step interval at each of these string groups to play the notes of the major scale up and down the fretboard - on two strings with no pedals or knee levers.

First diagram: AM7 Scale on strings 7-6 > picked in a 3 Note Pattern > Ascending up the fretboard. (Play over AM7 Chord)
Second diagram: AM7 Scale on strings 8-7 > picked in a 3 Note Pattern > Ascending up the fretboard. (Play over AM7 Chord)

(E-9th – No Pedals - No Knee Levers)

First diagram: AM7 Scale on strings 9-8 > picked in a 3 Note Pattern > Ascending up the fretboard. (Play over AM7 Chord)
*** Second diagram (Descending) AM7 Scale on strings 7-6 > picked in a 3 Note Pattern > Descending down the fretboard. (Play over AM7 Chord) ***

(E-9th – No Pedals - No Knee Levers)

*** The ↑ above ↑ fretboard diagram shows the AM7 Scale Pattern Descending on strings 7-6. On strings 8-7, the AM7 Scale Pattern Descending is located from the 15th fret to the 5th fret. On strings 9-8, the AM7 Scale is located from the 17th to the 7th fret. ***

We can use Minor 7th Scales to play the notes of a Dominant 7th Chord by taking the 5th of the Dominant 7th Chord and making it the root of the Minor 7th Scale. Here is a two string pattern for a Minor 7th Scale which we can use to play over Dominant 7th Chords.

First diagram: Am7 Scale on strings 7-6 > picked in a 3 Note Pattern > Ascending up the fretboard. (Play over D7 Chord)
Second diagram: Am7 Scale on strings 7-6 > picked in a 3 Note Pattern > Descending down the fretboard. (Play over D7 Chord)

(E-9th – No Pedals - No Knee Levers)

On strings 8-7, the Am7 Scale pattern is located from the 5th fret to the 15th fret. On strings 9-8, the Am7 Scale pattern is located from the 7th to the 17th fret. (Play these patterns over a D7 Chord) If we move the Am7 Scale Pattern up two frets, we have a Bm7 Scale Pattern which works over an E7 Chord.

To play over an A7 Chord we can use an Em7 Scale Pattern. (E is the 5th of A) To play an Em7 Scale Pattern on strings 7-6, start the two string scale pattern on the 10th fret. On strings 8-7, start on the 0 fret. On strings 9-8, start on the 2nd fret. (Play over A7 Chord)

We can now use these two string scale patterns to play over a I-IV7-V7 (A-D7-E7) “Working Man’s Blues” type chord progression.

Experiment with all three of these two string whole step groups. The 7-6 group lines up for work with the E9th pedals. The 8-6 group starts on the home fret of the tonic chord making it easy to see (5th fret = A Chord). The 9-8 group gets down into C-6th territory.

We can start and end a scale pattern on any note of the scale. We don’t have to start a scale on the root of the scale. The only rule is that it sounds good. The notes of these scales extend beyond the range these examples. Once you get these examples down, start extending the patterns using the entire range of your E9th fretboard.
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